


The SWF approach to OAM Server did not work out, so this code is not being used. There's some great stuff here though, so feel free to pull code and components from it. Also, the local tiler using swfr works well.

OpenAerialMap Server: Decider component

Circle CI Docker Repository on Quay.io

The Decider component of OAM Server is a swfr SWF decider that processes OAM tiling workflows.


The main avenue for developing against the OpenAerialMap (OAM) server is via Docker. To get started, ensure that you have a working Docker environment, with version >=1.7. In addition, all interactions with Docker and NPM are wrapped within a Makefile.

In order to build this image, use the decider target:

$ make decider
Sending build context to Docker daemon  7.68 kB
Sending build context to Docker daemon


Successfully built e2666914b094

From there, you can start the server using the start target:

$ make start
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
b1d7b15d6863        oam/server-decider:latest   "npm start"         19 seconds ago      Up 16 seconds>8000/tcp   oam-server-decider

Note: For the start target, contents within the decider directory gets mounted inside of the container via a volume to ensure that the latest code changes are being tested.