

OpenAerialMap Server: API component

Circle CI Docker Repository on Quay.io

The API component of OAM Server is a node express server that exposes API endpoints. A list of the endpoints exposed, and their functionality, is found below



This takes a tiling request POSTed, and a auth token in a query string, and kicks off a tiling job.

Here's an example request JSON:

  "sources" : [

As you can see, all the request has is the source images in a sources property.

You'll need to provide a valid token to the request in a query string, for example:

curl -X POST -d @test-req.json http://localhost:8000/tile?token=5a77ef22-4328-4d11-8f64-2ce90dff275a --header "Content-Type:application/json"

A response from a valid tile submission looks like:


The id is the job ID, which is important to keep track of, because that is how you will be able to check the status of the job.


This takes a job id and gives a status. If the job is complete, the tileJson property will give the TileJSON result of the tiling job.

The request takes the job id in the path:

curl http://localhost:8000/status/feb310ad-b2eb-4ec6-8f23-dcdaf9bc6391

And will return one of the following:

{"status":"FAILED","stage":"chunk","error":"An error message.","id":"feb310ad-b2eb-4ec6-8f23-dcdaf9bc6391"}
{"status":"FAILED","stage":"mosaic","error":"An error message.","id":"feb310ad-b2eb-4ec6-8f23-dcdaf9bc6391"}
{"status":"COMPLETE","id":"feb310ad-b2eb-4ec6-8f23-dcdaf9bc6391","tileJson": {...} }

The TileJSON of a completed job will look like this:

    "tilejson": "2.1.0",
    "name": "OAM Server Mosaic feb310ad-b2eb-4ec6-8f23-dcdaf9bc6391",
    "attribution": "<a href='http://github.com/openimagerynetwork/'>OIN contributors</a>",
    "scheme": "xyz",
    "tiles": [


Given a job id, this gives information about the request. For instance,

curl http://localhost:8000/info/feb310ad-b2eb-4ec6-8f23-dcdaf9bc6391

might yield

    "id": "feb310ad-b2eb-4ec6-8f23-dcdaf9bc6391",
    "images": [
    "request_time": "2015-09-24T03:16:54.196Z"


This will list all the requests that are still on the APi's radar (tiling requests and statuses get cleared after a number of days).

curl http://localhost:8000/requests
        "jobId": "24bae674-329b-4a54-802b-c87ca3357267",
        "request_time": "2015-09-24T03:15:11.000Z"
        "jobId": "d01c4418-66c5-445f-971e-1430ffa4102e",
        "request_time": "2015-09-24T03:15:35.000Z"
        "jobId": "feb310ad-b2eb-4ec6-8f23-dcdaf9bc6391",
        "request_time": "2015-09-24T03:16:55.000Z"


The main avenue for developing against the OpenAerialMap (OAM) server is via Docker. To get started, ensure that you have a working Docker environment, with version >=1.7. In addition, all interactions with Docker and NPM are wrapped within a Makefile.

In order to build this image, use the api target:

$ make api
Sending build context to Docker daemon  7.68 kB
Sending build context to Docker daemon


Successfully built e2666914b094

From there, you can start the server using the start target:

$ make start
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
b1d7b15d6863        oam/server-api:latest   "npm start"         19 seconds ago      Up 16 seconds>8000/tcp   oam-server-api

Environment Variables

For the purposes of tiling, "core" and "task" nodes are functionally equivalent. As a result, we've split them into 2 groups; "core" nodes are intended to correspond to reserved instances and "task" nodes to spot instances.


To execute the test suite, use the test target:

$ make test

> oam-server@0.1.0 test /app
> node test.js

Checking http://oam-server-api:8000/tile
200 {"test":"test"}

Note: For the start and test targets, contents within the api directory gets mounted inside of the container via a volume to ensure that the latest code changes are being tested.