

<h1 align="center">Documentation page</h1> <div align="center"> <h3> <a href="https://docs.openaerialmap.org/ecosystem/getting-started/">Ecosystem</a> <span> | </span> <a href="https://github.com/hotosm/oam-design-system">OAM Design System</a> </h3> </div>

Documentation of the whole OAM ecosystem including a showcase of the OAM Design System.

Installation and Usage

The steps below will walk you through setting up your own instance of the oam-docs.

Install Project Dependencies

To set up the development environment for this website, you'll need to install the following on your system:

Install Application Dependencies

If you use nvm, activate the desired Node version:

nvm install

Install Node modules:

npm install


Config files (Jekyll)

The oam-docs is a jekyll app, and the 3 config files are located in the project root.

The _config.yml file serves as base and the other 2 will override it as needed:

The following options must be set: (The used file will depend on the context)


baseurl: https://docs.openaerialmap.org

Starting the app

npm run serve

Compiles the sass files, javascript, and launches the server making the site available at http://localhost:3000/ The system will watch files and execute tasks whenever one of them changes. The site will automatically refresh since it is bundled with livereload. Running this command will load _config-dev.yml.

Adding new pages

Any top level page added should be directly inside docs/, its name prefixed with a number to set order, and have the following front matter (example):

layout: base
id: Brand
permalink: brand/

All the top level pages will show up in the main menu. The id is used for the link text.

The sublevel pages should go into an appropriately named directory, its name prefixed with a number related to the parent and have the following front matter (example):

layout: base
id: Logos
parent: Brand
permalink: brand/logos/

All the sub level pages will show up side navigation of all the pages with the same parent. The id is used for the link text.

If you don't want the parent page to have an output, set the permalink to one of the subpages (example):

layout: base
id: Brand
permalink: brand/logos/

Example file structure:



To prepare the app for deployment run:

npm run build

This will package the app and place all the contents in the dist directory. The app can then be run by any web server.

Travis deployment

The .travis.yml file enables the usage of Travis as a test and deployment system.
In this particular case, Travis will be looking for any changes to the repo and when a change is made to the master branch, Travis will build the documentation and deploy it to the gh-pages branch.



Oam Docs is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License, see the LICENSE file for more details.