

The Kernel-Bridge Framework

The "Kernel-Bridge" project is a C++20-ready Windows kernel driver template, development framework and kernel-mode API and wrappers.

Precompiled and signed binaries with the SecureBoot support
Delphi bindings

✔ Capabilities:

➰ In development and plans:

Driver template has full support of C++ static and global initializers and all of C++20 features (without C++ exceptions). All of API modules are easy-to-use and have no external dependiencies, so you can include them to your own C++ drivers. All of API functions are grouped into a logical categories into namespaces, so you can quickly find all functions you want.

💦 Driver template has:

💨 Building and using:

Download Microsoft Visual Studio Community and Windows Driver Kit.
For driver testing use VMware Player.
For load an unsigned drivers you should to enable Test-mode of Windows and disable signs checkings:

- Disable signatures checkings (allow to install unsigned drivers):
bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON

- Enable signatures checkings (deny to install unsigned drivers):
bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING OFF

- Enable support of kernel debugger (WinDbg and Kernel Debugger from WDK):
bcdedit.exe /debug on   -  enable support of kernel debugging
bcdedit.exe /debug off  -  disable it

Communication with usermode apps:

For communication with usermode you should use "User-Bridge" wrappers as standalone *.cpp/*.h modules or as *.dll.
All required headers are WdkTypes.h, CtlTypes.h and User-Bridge.h. For using an extended features like minifilter callbacks, you should also use FltTypes.h, CommPort.h and Flt-Bridge.h. Some of ready-to-use RTL-functions (like an unsigned drivers mapping) you can find in Rtl-Bridge.h.

Files hierarchy:

/User-Bridge/API/ - usermode API and wrappers for all functions of KB
/Kernel-Bridge/API/ - standalone kernel API for using in C++ drivers
/Kernel-Bridge/Kernel-Bridge/ - driver template files
/SharedTypes/ - shared types headers required for UM and KM modules
/CommonTypes/ - common user- and kernelmode headers and types
/Python-Bridge/ - Python binding
/Kernel-Tests/ - unit-tests for UM and KM modules and common functions

Example (using of KbReadProcessMemory):

#include <Windows.h>

#include "WdkTypes.h"
#include "CtlTypes.h"
#include "User-Bridge.h"

using namespace Processes::MemoryManagement;


// Loading as minifilter (it allows to use extended features):
KbLoader::KbLoadAsFilter(L"N:\\Folder\\Kernel-Bridge.sys", L"260000");

constexpr int Size = 64;
UCHAR Buffer[Size] = {};
BOOL Status = KbReadProcessMemory(
    0x7FFF0000, // Desired address in context of ProcessId
