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Hora Search Everywhere!

Hora is an approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm (wiki) library. We implement all code in Rust🦀 for reliability, high level abstraction and high speeds comparable to C++.

Hora, 「ほら」 in Japanese, sounds like [hōlə], and means Wow, You see! or Look at that!. The name is inspired by a famous Japanese song 「小さな恋のうた」.


👩 Face-Match [online demo], have a try!

<div align="center"> <img src="asset/demo3.gif" width="100%"/> </div>

🍷 Dream wine comments search [online demo], have a try!

<div align="center"> <img src="asset/demo2.gif" width="100%"/> </div>




in Cargo.toml

hora = "0.1.1"


$ pip install horapy

Javascript (WebAssembly)

$ npm i horajs

Building from source

$ git clone https://github.com/hora-search/hora
$ cargo build


<img src="asset/fashion-mnist-784-euclidean_10_euclidean.png"/>

by aws t2.medium (CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2686 v4 @ 2.30GHz) more information


Rust example [more info]

use hora::core::ann_index::ANNIndex;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use rand_distr::{Distribution, Normal};

pub fn demo() {
    let n = 1000;
    let dimension = 64;

    // make sample points
    let mut samples = Vec::with_capacity(n);
    let normal = Normal::new(0.0, 10.0).unwrap();
    for _i in 0..n {
        let mut sample = Vec::with_capacity(dimension);
        for _j in 0..dimension {
            sample.push(normal.sample(&mut rand::thread_rng()));

    // init index
    let mut index = hora::index::hnsw_idx::HNSWIndex::<f32, usize>::new(
    for (i, sample) in samples.iter().enumerate().take(n) {
        // add point
        index.add(sample, i).unwrap();

    let mut rng = thread_rng();
    let target: usize = rng.gen_range(0..n);
    // 523 has neighbors: [523, 762, 364, 268, 561, 231, 380, 817, 331, 246]
        "{:?} has neighbors: {:?}",
        index.search(&samples[target], 10) // search for k nearest neighbors

thank @vaaaaanquish for this complete pure Rust 🦀 image search example, For more information about this example, you can click Pure Rust な近似最近傍探索ライブラリ hora を用いた画像検索を実装する

Python example [more info]

import numpy as np
from horapy import HNSWIndex

dimension = 50
n = 1000

# init index instance
index = HNSWIndex(dimension, "usize")

samples = np.float32(np.random.rand(n, dimension))
for i in range(0, len(samples)):
    # add node
    index.add(np.float32(samples[i]), i)

index.build("euclidean")  # build index

target = np.random.randint(0, n)
# 410 in Hora ANNIndex <HNSWIndexUsize> (dimension: 50, dtype: usize, max_item: 1000000, n_neigh: 32, n_neigh0: 64, ef_build: 20, ef_search: 500, has_deletion: False)
# has neighbors: [410, 736, 65, 36, 631, 83, 111, 254, 990, 161]
print("{} in {} \nhas neighbors: {}".format(
    target, index, index.search(samples[target], 10)))  # search

JavaScript example [more info]

import * as horajs from "horajs";

const demo = () => {
    const dimension = 50;
    var bf_idx = horajs.BruteForceIndexUsize.new(dimension);
    // var hnsw_idx = horajs.HNSWIndexUsize.new(dimension, 1000000, 32, 64, 20, 500, 16, false);
    for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        var feature = [];
        for (var j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
        bf_idx.add(feature, i); // add point
    bf_idx.build("euclidean"); // build index
    var feature = [];
    for (var j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
    console.log("bf result", bf_idx.search(feature, 10)); //bf result Uint32Array(10) [704, 113, 358, 835, 408, 379, 117, 414, 808, 826]

(async () => {
    await horajs.default();
    await horajs.init_env();

Java example [more info]

public void demo() {
    final int dimension = 2;
    final float variance = 2.0f;
    Random fRandom = new Random();

    BruteForceIndex bruteforce_idx = new BruteForceIndex(dimension); // init index instance

    List<float[]> tmp = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        for (int p = 0; p < 10; p++) {
            float[] features = new float[dimension];
            for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
                features[j] = getGaussian(fRandom, (float) (i * 10), variance);
            bruteforce_idx.add("bf", features, i * 10 + p); // add point
    bruteforce_idx.build("bf", "euclidean"); // build index

    int search_index = fRandom.nextInt(tmp.size());
    // nearest neighbor search
    int[] result = bruteforce_idx.search("bf", 10, tmp.get(search_index));
    // [main] INFO com.hora.app.ANNIndexTest  - demo bruteforce_idx[7, 8, 0, 5, 3, 9, 1, 6, 4, 2]
    log.info("demo bruteforce_idx" + Arrays.toString(result));

private static float getGaussian(Random fRandom, float aMean, float variance) {
    float r = (float) fRandom.nextGaussian();
    return aMean + r * variance;


Related Projects and Comparison


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We are glad to have you participate, any contributions are welcome, including documentations and tests. You can create a Pull Request or Issue on GitHub, and we will review it as soon as possible.

We use GitHub issues for tracking suggestions and bugs.

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/hora-search/hora


cargo build


cargo test --lib

Try the changes

cd examples
cargo run


The entire repository is licensed under the Apache License.