


A dnSpyEx extension to aid reversing of obfuscated assemblies.


Other extensions

I have developed some other extensions which are linked here for convenience:


Download the latest release for your dnSpyEx version (net48 or net6.0-windows) and extract it to the bin/Extensions/dnSpy.Extensions.HoLLy directory. You may need to create this folder.

Make sure that you copied all the dependency DLLs too. Your directory structure will look something like this:

├─ dnSpy.exe
├─ dnSpy.Console.exe
└─ bin/
  ├─ Extensions/
  │ └─ dnSpy.Extension.HoLLy/
  │   ├─ AutomaticGraphLayout.dll
  │   ├─ dnSpy.Extension.HoLLy.x.dll
  │   ├─ Echo.Core.dll
  │   └─ ...
  ├─ LicenseInfo/
  ├─ FileLists/
  ├─ Themes/
  ├─ dnSpy.Analyzer.x.dll
  ├─ dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.dll
  └─ ...

Also make sure that you are using the correct version of dnSpy that matches the plugin! This should be mentioned in the release notes or the changelog. The plugin will not work with certain mismatched versions due to strong-name signing of some dependencies.


To test the extension, you can launch dnSpy with the --extension-directory {directory} argument, where {directory} is the build directory (ie. .../bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1). JetBrains Rider supports launch profiles, allowing you to specify dnSpy as the executable to start. This means you can launch and debug the extension from within the IDE.

Due to how the .NET Framework does assembly resolving, this method may only work on .NET Core.


Due to dnSpy being licensed under the GPLv3 license, this plugin is too.

Used libraries