

<h3><p align="center">📣 Announcement: PRSS 2.0 is now live with a new design and more features!<br>Check out <a href="https://prss.io">https://prss.io</a> for details.</p></h3>
<p align="center"> <a href="https://prss.io"><img src="https://github.com/hodgef/PRSS/assets/25509135/b3d5710c-9ef2-487a-9c6f-b8e69b4a527e" width="150" /></a> <p align="center">Cross-platform static site generator for blazing fast blogs, documentation sites and more.</p> <p align="center"><a href="https://prss.io"><img src="https://github.com/hodgef/PRSS/assets/25509135/43cfeea0-4fbd-4aeb-81da-d805e264d028" width="800" /></a></p> </p>

📦 Installation & Usage

You can download PRSS for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Check out the Getting Started page to begin.

✳️ Features

📖 Documentation

Check out the PRSS documentation for site customization guides.

🚀 Demo

PRSS Demo Site

Questions? Join the chat

<a href="https://discordapp.com/invite/SJexsCG" title="Join our Discord chat" target="_blank"><img src="https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/498978399801573396/widget.png?style=banner2" align="center"></a>


PRs and issues are welcome. Feel free to submit any issues you have at: https://github.com/hodgef/PRSS/issues