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A HomeMatic CCU Addon implementing a xml request functionality as an interface to all homematic deviced available to a CCU device. This addon provides useful scripts that can be accessed via a HTTP request to a CCU device and allows to query and set all e.g. room- and devicetype names.

Supported CCU models


This addon can be added like a usual CCU addon package via the WebUI provided functionality by selecting "System-Konfiguration » Systemsteuerung » Zusatzsoftware", to upload the addon package as a tar.gz and the use »Installieren« to actually install the addon. After a restart of the CCU the xml-api interface can then be selected from the »Zusatzsoftware« tab in the CCU settings.


After installation the XML-API should be avilable via the following URL call:


where [TOKEN_ID] corresponds to a stateless token-based authentication id a user can register using the tokenregister.cgi script listed below. In addition, [CCU_IP] corresponds to the IP address or hostname of your CCU device and [ScriptName] being one of the following scripts:

ScriptNameDescription / Parameters
devicelist.cgi            Lists all devices with channels. Contain names, serial number, device type and ids.<br>device_id=list - returns values of specified devices (e.g. "1234,5678") (optional)<br>show_internal=0/1 - adds internal channels also (default=0)<br>show_remote=0/1 - adds output of virtual remote channels (default=0)
devicetypelist.cgiLists all possible device types with their possible meta data.
exec.cgiAllows to execute arbitrary ReGaHss script commands (as POST data).
favoritelist.cgi          Lists all favorites and users.<br>show_datapoint=0/1 - outputs datapoint_id and datapoint_type also (default=0)<br>show_internal=0/1 - adds internal channels also (default=0)
functionlist.cgi          Lists all functions including channels.
mastervalue.cgi            Outputs a single or several '1234,5678' devices with their names and master values.<br>device_id=list - returns master values of specified devices (e.g. "1234,5678")<br>requested_names=list - returns only master values of selected types (e.g. "TEMPERATURE_COMFORT,TEMPERATURE_LOWERING")
mastervaluechange.cgi      Sets one or more master values for a list of devices.<br>device_id=list - sets master values of specified devices (e.g. "1234,5678")<br>name=list - sets only master values of selected types (e.g. "TEMPERATURE_LOWERING,TEMPERATURE_COMFORT")<br>value=list - sets master values to specified values (e.g. "17.0,22.5")
programactions.cgiAllows to change active and visible program options.<br>program_id=int - id of program to modify (e.g. "1234")<br>active=true/false - sets active status of program to true/false<br>visible=true/false - sets visible status of program to true/false
programlist.cgi            Lists all programs.
protocol.cgi              Outputs the system protocol.<br>start=int - start of the protocol<br>show=int - number of entries to output<br>clear=0/1 - allows to clear the system protocol
roomlist.cgi              Lists all configured rooms including channels.
rssilist.cgiLists RSSI values of all RF devices.
runprogram.cgi            Starts a program with the specified id.<br>program_id=int - id of program to modify (e.g. "1234")<br>cond_check=0/1 - execute program with normal condition checks or not (only first "then" is executed) (default=0)
scripterrors.cgi          Searches for the last 10 lines in /var/log/messages containing script runtime errors and outputs them.
state.cgi                  Outputs one or more devices with their channels and current values.<br>device_id=list - returns values of specified devices (e.g. "1234,5678")<br>channel_id=list - returns values of specified channels (e.g. "1234,5678")<br>datapoint_id=list - returns Value() for datapoint with id (e.g. "1234,5678")
statechange.cgi            Allows to change the state of one or more devices.<br>ise_id=list - selects the devices with the specified ids (e.g. "1234,5678")<br>new_value=list - new values for device states (e.g. "0.20,1.45")
statelist.cgi              Outputs all devices with channels and their current values.<br>ise_id=int - output only channels and values of device with specified id (e.g. "1234")<br>show_internal=0/1 - adds internal channels also (default=0)<br>show_remote=0/1 - adds output of virtual remote channels (default=0)
systemNotification.cgi    Outputs the currently existing system notifications.
systemNotificationClear.cgiClears the current active system notifications (if not sticky).
sysvar.cgi                Outputs a single system variable with its corresponding values.<br>ise_id=int - the id of the system variable to output (e.g. "1234")<br>text=true/false - outputs or suppressed the text for string variables (default=true)
sysvarlist.cgi            Outputs all system variables with their corresponding values.<br>text=true/false - outputs or suppressed the text for string variables (default=false)
tokenlist.cgiLists all registered security access tokens.
tokenregister.cgiRegisters a new security access token.<br>desc=string - description for new token id
tokenrevoke.cgiRevokes an existing security access token.<br>sid=string - security access token id
update.cgi????<br>checkupdate=list - ???<br>maxdurchlaeufe=int - ??? (default=7)
version.cgiOutputs version of XML-API.

All of these scripts, in addition to the listed parameters require a security access token id to be specified via a mandatory ?sid=[TOKEN_ID] URL parameter with an adequate token ID specified. Such a security token can be generated using tokenregister.cgi from within the standard CCU addon webui page (Settings -> Control panel -> Additional software -> XML-API -> Set) or by using an already registered security token. Furthermore, already registered tokens can be listed via tokenlist.cgi and revoked via tokenrevoke.cgi with the token id supplied.

If a script will be correctly called, it generates a xml structured output that can then be used by third-party applications to display or modify certain information.

In addition many of these scripts rely on additional URL parameter to be specifeid (e.g. ise_id device or channel identifier). And example of such script executing URL can be seen here:


This call, if executed with a registered [TOKEN_ID] and the right ise_id and IP address would then e.g. set a dimmer to 20%.


