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Publish MQTT Messages on Snowboy Hotword Detection


Prerquisites: Debian, Raspbian, Armbian, Ubuntu; Node.js >= 8

$ apt install sox libsox-fmt-all libatlas-base-dev build-essential

$ npm install -g snowboy2mqtt --unsafe-perm

Create a model folder, e.g. /opt/snowboy and put the Snowboy .umdl/.pmdl file(s) in it.

I suggest to use pm2 to manage the snowboy2mqtt process (start on system boot, manage log files, ...)

Command Line Options

$ snowboy2mqtt --help

Usage: snowboy2mqtt [options]

  -v, --verbosity           possible values: "error", "warn", "info", "debug"
                                                               [default: "info"]
  -p, --model-path          path of model files   [default: "/opt/snowboy2mqtt"]
  -a, --activation-hotword  hotword that activates listening for other hotwords
  -t, --timeout             timeout after activation             [default: 5000]
  -g, --audio-gain                                                  [default: 2]
  -s                        model sensitivity                   [default: "0.5"]
  -n, --name                instance name. used as topic prefix
                                                            [default: "snowboy"]
  -k, --insecure            allow ssl connections without valid certificate
  -u, --url                 mqtt broker url        [default: "mqtt://"]
  -h, --help                Show help                                  [boolean]
  --version                 Show version number                        [boolean]

MQTT Authentication and TLS

You can put credentials for authentication in the url supplied to the --url option: mqtt://user:password@broker. If you want to use TLS for the connection to the broker use mqtts:// as URL scheme, e.g. mqtts://broker:8883.

Activation Hotword

It's possible to define a Hotword that activates detection of other Hotwords for a configured period of time. So if you set e.g. --activation-hotword computer and --timeout 5000 only 5 seconds after someone said Computer the publishing of other Hotwords gets activated. Every detected Hotword prolongs the timeout to 5 seconds again. The current activation status is published retained on the topic <name>/active.


snowboy2mqtt © 2018 Sebastian Raff, licensed under Apache License 2.0