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Control Zigbee Devices (Xiaomi Aqara, Hue, Lightify, Tradfri, ...) with Node-RED via a CC253x Module. No need for proprietary bridges anymore, use devices of different vendors in one Zigbee network.

⚠️ Project abondoned, I'm not using it anymore and therefore I will not work on this anymore. I strongly advice against using it - I recommend using zigbee2mqtt!


Based on zigbee-herdsman, Koenkk's fork of Zigbee Shepherd. Strongly inspired by his awesome zigbee2mqtt project.

Hardware Prerequisites

see https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/getting_started/what_do_i_need.html Ready to use firmware images are available here: https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator

Getting started

Add any Zigbee Node, open it's configuration, add a "herdsman" node, configure it, close both nodes and deploy. Wait a few seconds and go to the configuration of the "herdsman" node again, now you should be able to pair devices. Keep an eye on Node-RED's log output.



Config node that holds the serial port and ZigBee network configuration of zigbee-herdsman. You should change the networkKey for security reasons before pairing the first devices. I suggest to use a password manager (like e.g. KeyPass) to create and store a random key (has to be 16 Byte in uppercase hex representation (32 chars 0-9A-F). With this config node you can also manage your devices (pairing, removing, renaming), reporting, groups and binds.


This Node utilizes Koenkk's zigbee-herdsman-converters and offers payload formats as known from zigbee2mqtt. In fact most of this nodes code is taken 1:1 from zigbee2mqtt.


This node aims to be a drop-in replacement for https://github.com/hobbyquaker/hue2mqtt.js


This node outputs the online/offline status of the devices.


This Node outputs events as received from zigbee-herdsman.


Send a command to a device endpoint or group.


Call methods of the herdsman controller



MIT (c) Sebastian Raff