

ReachDigital Magento 2 Performance tuned integration tests


composer require --dev reach-digital/magento2-test-framework


After the installation of the package there will be a folder dev/tests/quick-integration with the new integration test framework. Copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml and make your changes to include your own namespaces.

Test Execution

To get the fastest result, execute the quick integration with plain phpunit like so:

# Running Quick integration tests via phpunit
cd dev/tests/integration
php ../../../vendor/bin/phpunit -c ../quick-integration/phpunit.xml

A more convenient, but slower execution can be done via bin/magento itself. Make sure, you add the -c option to in order to apply to correct configuration.

# Running Quick integration tests via bin/magento
php bin/magento dev:tests:run integration -c $(pwd)/dev/tests/quick-integration/phpunit.xml


Automatically installs test modules that are available in the following path: vendor/*/*/TestModule/*/* so for example vendor/reach-digital/magento2-order-source-reservations/TestModule/Magento/TestModuleInventoryStateCache.




Magento 2's integration tests are notoriously slow in booting up, which makes practicing TDD a pain in the ass. Nobody wants to wait more than 10 seconds for tests to start..

Speed matters, but Magento developer have grown accustomed that things are just slow.


Currently it is no exception for the integration tests to run more than 10000ms: "Developers get frustrated, are likely to abandon the test. They may or may not try TDD again later."

To put it in perspective: It is faster to load an Admin Page, click a button there than it is to click Play on a test.. it should not be this way.

Because: If Magento is able to render a complete html-page under 200ms, shouldn't a test be able to start at least as quickly as well?

Performance improvements

So the idea is that Magento is probably cleaning a lof of cache while booting up, running additional tests, etc. If we can prevent the cleaning of cache, state, etc. we can achieve much higher performance and maybe even surpass the frontend.

Although this is probably a good idea to have 'clean slate', it isn't even a great idea per sé. Code should be resiliant and should be able to run with warmed cache and cold cache..

1. Disable memory cleanup scripts

Speed improvement; ~10-20s

By disabling the following classes we get the biggest speed improvement.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

2. Fix overzealous app reinitialisation

Speed improvement; ~50ms

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
//Rewrites Magento's AppIsolation class

3. Disable config-global.php by default

Speed improvement; ~280ms

The config-global.php.dist will always set some config values, but this requires reinitialisation of the config. By not using this functionality we shave another 300ms off the request.

4. Disabled sequence table generation

Speed improvement; ~400ms

By default Magento creates all sequence tables

Quality of life improvements

1. Moved the generation folder back to the root

Usually an IDE doesn't like it when duplicate classes exist, because of this reason the dev/test/integration/tmp/sandbox-* directory should be ignored. By moving the generated folder to the root of the project we get the benefit that the IDE can inspect those classes.

2. Disable modules while running tests, copies app/etc/config.php

Question asked here: