


A simple tool that generates images for animating radial or circular progress charts for the Apple Watch and WatchKit. The charts are referred to as rings, dials, radials or circles.

animation1 animation2 animation3


Why care about radial progress charts?

Why use the RadialChartImageGenerator?

How To Use


  1. Go to http://hmaidasani.github.io/RadialChartImageGenerator/ or open index.html (Chrome and Firefox recommended).

  2. Decide on whether you need a single, double, or triple arc radial chart. animation1

  3. Choose the max value or the capacity of the appropriate arc. animation2

  4. Choose the arc background color. animation3

  5. Decide the color scheme for each appropriate arc. If you would like a gradient color scheme, choose three different colors for the foreground start, mid, and end colors. In order to see how this looks, choose the current value to be equal to the max value to see the full arc gradient. Note: the current value has no effect on the output of the images - it is merely there to see how the arc would look at a given value. animation4

  6. For the single arc, you may select if text should appear in the center. You may also select the text color and the units of the subtext. animation5

  7. Once you have modified each arc to your preference, click the Generate Images button to generate each permutation of images for the given arc structure. Enter the filename prefix of your choice and click on Continue. The double and triple arcs images can optionally be merged to have all the arc layers combined into a single image. The preferred method is to download the arc layers separately. animation6

  8. The images should download in a zip file.

  9. Repeat for all the other arcs if needed.

  10. Import the downloaded images into your WatchKit Xcode project. The below example projects show how this is done.


Here are some sample WatchKit apps using the images generated using the RadialChartImageGenerator. Note: the most recent version of Xcode is required to run these.

Questions & Feature Requests

Report all of your questions and feature requests to the issues section of git repository.