


Code repository for the paper:

DH-AUG: DH Forward Kinematics Model Driven Augmentation for 3D Human Pose Estimation

Linzhi Huang, Jiahao Liang,Weihong Deng*

ECCV 2022


Dataset setup


The code for Human3.6M data preparation is borrowed from VideoPose3D, SemGCN, EvoSkeleton, PoseAug.

Prepare the ground truth 2D 3D data pair for Human3.6

cd data
python prepare_data_h36m.py --from-archive h36m.zip
cd ..

After this step, you should end up with two files in the data directory: data_3d_h36m.npz for the 3D poses, and data_2d_h36m_gt.npz for the ground-truth 2D poses, which will look like:

├── data
   ├── data_3d_h36m.npz
   ├── data_2d_h36m_gt.npz

Prepare other detected 2D pose for Human3.6M (optional)

In this step, you need to download the detected 2D pose npz file and delete the Neck/Nose axis (e.g., the shape of array: nx17x2 -> nx16x2; n: number_of_frame) for every subject and action.

cd data
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/video-pose-3d/data_2d_h36m_cpn_ft_h36m_dbb.npz
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/video-pose-3d/data_2d_h36m_detectron_ft_h36m.npz
cd ..

Until here, you will have a data folder:

├── data
   ├── data_3d_h36m.npz
   ├── data_2d_h36m_gt.npz
   ├── data_2d_h36m_detectron_ft_h36m.npz
   ├── data_2d_h36m_cpn_ft_h36m_dbb.npz
   ├── data_2d_h36m_hr.npz

Please make sure the 2D data are all 16 joints setting.


The code for 3DHP data preparation is borrowed from SPIN

Until here, you will have a data_extra folder:

├── data_extra
   ├── bone_length_npy
      ├── hm36s15678_bl_templates.npy
   ├── dataset_extras
      ├── mpi_inf_3dhp_valid.npz
      ├── ... (not in use)
   ├── test_set
      ├── test_3dhp.npz
   ├── prepare_data_3dhp.ipynb
   ├── prepare_data_3dhp.py

All the data are set up.


Examples of training the baseline model with DH-Aug: If you want to explore better performance for specific setting, please try changing the hyper-param.

VPose (single-frame)

python3 run_Fk_GAN.py --note posefk --posenet_name 'videopose' --lr_p 1e-4 --checkpoint './checkpoint/posefk' --keypoints gt --s1only False --GAN_whether_use_preAngle True --video_over_200mm False --batch_size 1024 --data_enhancement_method 'GAN' --additional_LR_decay 0.95 --Gen_DenseDim 256 --Dis_DenseDim_3D 256 --Dis_DenseDim_2D 256

VPose (video)

python3 run_Fk_GAN.py --note posefk --posenet_name 'mulit_farme_videopose' --lr_p 1e-3 --checkpoint './checkpoint/posefk' --keypoints gt --s1only False --GAN_whether_use_preAngle True --single_or_multi_train_mode multi --video_over_200mm False --batch_size 512 --data_enhancement_method 'GAN' --downsample 10 --additional_LR_decay 0.95 --warmup 20 --single_dis_warmup_epoch 4 --architecture '3,3'

DH-3DHP dataset

url:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o94c5Gwt7votJSw7mY5o_A Extraction code:hlz1


If you find this code useful for your research, please consider citing the following paper:

  title       = {DH-AUG: DH Forward Kinematics Model Driven Augmentation for 3D Human Pose Estimation},
  author      = {Linzhi Huang, Jiahao Liang, Weihong Deng},
  booktitle   = {ECCV},
  year        = {2022}


This code uses (SemGCN, SimpleBL, PoseAUG, PoseFormer and VPose3D) as backbone. We gratefully appreciate the impact these libraries had on our work. If you use our code, please consider citing the original papers as well.