


<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/logo-final.png" width="600"> </p> <p align="center"> 🤗 <a href="https://huggingface.co/collections/hkust-nlp/deita-6569c198c174808d94cf5bd4">HF Repo</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 📄 <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.15685">Paper</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 📚 <a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/hkust-nlp/deita-6k-v0">6K Data</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 📚 <a href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/hkust-nlp/deita-10k-v0">10K Data</a> </p>

Welcome to Deita (Data-Efficient Instruction Tuning for Alignment) Project!

We will continue to update, please stay tuned!

What is Deita?

Deita is an open-sourced project designed to facilitate Automatic Data Selection for instruction tuning in Large Language Models (LLMs).

It includes:



:bell: Still curious about how far a small amount of high-quality data can lead LLMs?

Deita may provide an answer for you:

🔦 Highlights

ModelAlignData SizeMT-BenchAlpacaEval(%)
$\text{Zephyr-7B-}\beta$SFT + DPO200K SFT + 60K DPO7.3490.60
OpenChat-3.5C-RLFT>> 70K C-RLFT7.8188.51
Starling-7BC-RLFT + APA>> 70K C-RLFT + 183K APA8.0991.99
Tulu-2-13B+DPOSFT + DPO326K SFT + 60K DPO7.0089.50
LLaMA2-13B-ChatSFT + PPO--6.6581.09
DEITA-7B-v1.0 (6K)SFT6K7.2280.78
DEITA-7B-v1.0SFT + DPO6K SFT + 10K DPO7.5590.06

DEITA models are based on Mistral-7B-v0.1. :fire:

Please refer to this table for full evaluations including Open LLM Leaderboard as well, which includes DEITA models with LLaMA base models and comparisons with other data selection approaches.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Full Evaluations

<details> <summary>See full evaluations</summary>
ModelAlignData SizeMT-BenchAlpacaEval(%)OpenLLM (Avg.)
Proprietary Models
GPT-4SFT + PPO--8.9995.03--
Claude-2SFT + PPO--8.0691.36--
GPT-3.5-turboSFT + PPO--7.9489.37--
Open-sourced Models based on LLaMA-1-13B
LIMASFT1K SFT4.2941.9859.82
WizardLM-13BSFT70K SFT6.3575.3158.96
Vicuna-13B-v1.3SFT125K SFT6.3982.1160.01
RandomSFT10K SFT6.0371.5260.14
DEITA-LLaMA1-13B-v1.0-sftSFT10K SFT6.6078.0164.27
Open-sourced Models based on LLaMA-2-13B
Tulu-2-13BSFT326K SFT6.7078.90--
Tulu-2-13B+DPOSFT + DPO326K SFT + 60K DPO7.0089.50--
LLaMA2-13B-ChatSFT + PPO--6.6581.09--
WizardLM-13B-v1.2SFT>70K SFT7.0989.17--
Vicuna-13B-v1.5SFT125K SFT6.5778.8061.63
RandomSFT10K SFT5.7865.1961.32
DEITA-LLaMA2-13B-v1.0-sftSFT10K SFT6.7981.0962.71
Open-sourced Models based on Mistral-7B
Zephyr-7B-sftSFT200K SFT5.3275.1260.93
$\text{Zephyr-7B-}\beta$SFT + DPO200K SFT + 60K DPO7.3490.6066.36
OpenChat-3.5C-RLFT>> 70K C-RLFT7.8188.51--
Starling-7BC-RLFT + APA>>70K C-RLFT + 183K APA8.0991.99--
RandomSFT10K SFT5.8956.9061.72
DEITA-7B-v1.0-sft (6K)SFT6K SFT7.2280.7864.94
DEITA-7B-v1.0-sft (10K)SFT10K SFT7.3281.6764.00
DEITA-7B-v1.0SFT + DPO6K SFT + 10K DPO7.5590.0669.86

:rocket: Deita Resources

Deita Datasets
deita-6k-v0:hugs: HF RepoMIT License
deita-10k-v0:hugs: HF RepoMIT License
deita-complexity-scorer-data:hugs: HF RepoMIT License
deita-quality-scorer-data:hugs: HF RepoMIT License
deita-redundant-pool (100K):hugs: HF RepoMIT License
deita-sota-pool (300K):hugs: HF RepoMIT License
deita-complexity-scorer:hugs: HF RepoLLaMA License
deita-quality-scorer:hugs: HF RepoLLaMA License
Deita Models
DEITA-7B-v1.0-sft:hugs: HF RepoApache-2.0
DEITA-7B-v1.0:hugs: HF RepoApache-2.0
DEITA-LLaMA2-13B-v1.0-sft:hugs: HF RepoLLaMA 2 License
DEITA-LLaMA1-13B-v1.0-sft:hugs: HF RepoLLaMA License

:running_man: How to start?


  git clone https://github.com/hkust-nlp/deita.git
  cd deita
  pip install -e .

Data Sample Scoring

If you wish to assess the quality of a response for a single sample, you can follow these steps:

from deita.selection.scorer import Llama_Scorer

model_name_or_path = "hkust-nlp/deita-quality-scorer"

scorer = Llama_Scorer(model_name_or_path)

# example input
input_text = "word to describe UI with helpful tooltips" # Example Input
output_text = "User-friendly or intuitive UI" # Example Output
quality_score = scorer.infer_quality(input_text, output_text)

# 2.0230105920381902

Deita also supports VLLM for faster inference. If you want to use VLLM for inference,

pip install vllm

And set is_vllm = True when initilizing scorer

scorer = Llama_Scorer(model_name_or_path, is_vllm = True)

To assess other dimensions of data samples, please refer to the examples/scoring

Deita Pipelines

You can use deita pipelines to perform a variety of operations on the dataset with only one line code and configurations.

from deita.pipeline import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline("score_pipeline", 
                    data_path = args.data_path,   # json file with sharegpt format
                    scorer = args.scorer,   # [mistral, llama]
                    scorer_name_or_path = args.scorer_name_or_path,  # scorer name or path e.g. hkust-nlp/deita-complexity-scorer
                    is_vllm = args.is_vllm,  # launch with vllm [True, False]
                    score_type = args.score_type, # [complexity, quality]
                    output_path = args.output_path)  # output path (json format)


We use Huggingface Accelerate to enhance efficiency:

from deita.pipeline import Pipeline

embed_pipeline = Pipeline("embed_pipeline", 
                          data_path = args.data_path,   # json file with sharegpt format
                          output_path = args.output_path,  # output path (pickle format)
                          model_name_or_path = args.model_name_or_path,  # model name or path e.g. mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1
                          max_length = args.max_length,
                          use_flash_attention = args.use_flash_attention,  
                          batch_size_per_device = args.batch_size_per_device,
                          conv_template = args.conv_template,
                          only_answer = args.only_answer,
                          random_shuffle = args.random_shuffle,
                          bfloat16 = True

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPUIDX accelerate launch \
    --mixed_precision bf16 \
    --num_processes $NUMPROCESS \
    --num_machines 1 \
    examples/pipelines/embed_datasets.py \
    --use_flash_attention true \
    --data_path $DATAPATH \
    --output_path $OUTPUTPATH \
    --batch_size_per_device $BSZ
from deita.pipeline import Pipeline

filter_pipeline = Pipeline("filter_pipeline", 
                          data_path = args.data_path,  # json file with sharegpt format
                          other_data_path = args.other_data_path,  # embedding file path (pickle format)
                          threshold = args.threshold,  # filter threshold default: 0.9 
                          data_size = args.data_size,  # size of selected data
                          chunk_size = args.chunk_size,  # used for more efficient GPU computing  default: 100000
                          sort_key = args.sort_key,  # default: "complexity_scores,quality_scores"
                          output_path = args.output_path,  # json format output path
                          distance_metric = args.distance_metric,  # default: cosine
                          embedding_field = args.embedding_field,  # default: embedding
                          is_compression = args.is_compression,  # default: False
                          device = args.device  # GPU IDX, default: 0


You can refer to examples/pipelines for more details. A doc will also be coming soon.

SFT Training

Please refer to examples/train/sft.sh

deepspeed --include localhost:${DEVICES} --master_port 29501 src/deita/alignment/train.py \
    --model_name_or_path ${MODELPATH} \
    --data_path ${DATAPATH} \
    --output_dir ${OUTPUTPATH}/${RUNNAME} \
    --num_train_epochs 6 \
    --per_device_train_batch_size ${BSZPERDEV} \
    --per_device_eval_batch_size 1 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps ${GRADACC} \
    --eval_steps 50 \
    --save_strategy "no" \
    --save_steps 100 \
    --save_total_limit 10 \
    --learning_rate 2e-5 \
    --warmup_ratio 0.1 \
    --lr_scheduler_type "cosine" \
    --logging_steps 1 \
    --do_eval False \
    --evaluation_strategy "no" \
    --model_max_length 2048 \
    --lazy_preprocess True \
    --conv_template "vicuna_v1.1" \
    --mask_user True \
    --report_to "wandb" \
    --run_name ${RUNNAME} \
    --bf16 True \
    --deepspeed src/deita/ds_configs/deepspeed_config_zero2_no_offload.json

DPO Training

Please refer to examples/train/dpo.sh

deepspeed --include localhost:${DEVICES} --master_port 29502 src/deita/alignment/dpo_train.py \
    --model_name_or_path ${MODELPATH} \
    --json_path ${JSONPATH} \
    --data_split ${DATASPLIT} \
    --output_dir ${OUTPUTPATH}/${RUNNAME} \
    --num_train_epochs ${DPOEPOCH} \
    --beta 0.1 \
    --per_device_train_batch_size ${BSZPERDEV} \
    --per_device_eval_batch_size 1 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps ${GRADACC} \
    --save_global_steps False \
    --eval_steps 50 \
    --save_strategy "no" \
    --save_steps 500 \
    --save_total_limit 1 \
    --learning_rate 5e-7 \
    --warmup_ratio 0.1 \
    --lr_scheduler_type "linear" \
    --logging_steps 1 \
    --do_eval False \
    --evaluation_strategy "no" \
    --model_max_length 2048 \
    --conv_template "vicuna_v1.1" \
    --report_to "wandb" \
    --run_name ${RUNNAME} \
    --bf16 True \
    --gradient_checkpointing True \
    --deepspeed src/deita/ds_configs/stage3_no_offloading_accelerate.json


:muscle: What's more?

This is the preview version of Deita project. We will continue to update including


If you find the content of this project helpful, please cite our paper as follows:

title={What Makes Good Data for Alignment? A Comprehensive Study of Automatic Data Selection in Instruction Tuning},
author={Wei Liu and Weihao Zeng and Keqing He and Yong Jiang and Junxian He},
booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},


For training code, we use the code template of fastchat.