

XRec: Large Language Models for Explainable Recommendation

<img src='XRec_cover.png' />

PyTorch implementation for XRec: Large Language Models for Explainable Recommendation

[2024.Sep]🎯🎯📢📢Our XRec is accepted by EMNLP'2024! Congrats to all XRec team! 🎉🎉🎉

XRec: Large Language Models for Explainable Recommendation
Qiyao Ma, Xubin Ren, Chao Huang*
EMNLP 2024

This paper presents a model-agnostic framework, XRec, that integrates the graph-based collaborative filtering framework with Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate comprehensive explanations for recommendations. By leveraging the inherent collaborative user-item relationships and harnessing the powerful textual generation capabilities of LLMs, XRec establishes a strong connection between collaborative signals and language semantics through the utilization of a Mixture of Experts (MoE) adapter.

<p align="center"> <img src="XRec.png" alt="XRec" /> </p>


Run the following command to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


We utilize three public datasets: Amazon-books amazon, Google-reviews google, Yelp yelp. To generate user/item profile and explanations from scratch, enter your OpenAI API Key in line 7 of these files: generation/{item_profile/user_profile/explanation}/generate_{profile/exp}.py.


Each of the below commands can be run independently, since the finetuned LLM and generated explanations are provided within the data. Prepare your Hugging Face User Access Token for downloading Llama 2 model.

Supported datasets: amazon, google, yelp


Below is an example of generating explanation for a specific user-item recommendation using the yelp dataset.



Code Structure

├── README.md
├── data (amazon/google/yelp)
│   ├── data.json                         # user/item profile with explanation
│   ├── trn/val/tst.pkl                   # separation of data.json
│   ├── total_trn/val/tst.csv             # user-item interactions
│   ├── user/item_emb.pkl                 # user/item embeddings
│   ├── user/item_converter.pkl           # MoE adapter
│   ├── tst_pred.pkl                      # generated explanation
│   └── tst_ref.pkl                       # ground truth explanation
├── encoder
│   ├── models                            # GNN structure
│   ├── utils
│   └── train_encoder.py                  # derive user/item embeddings
├── explainer
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── explainer.py                  # XRec model
│   │   └── modeling_explainer.py         # modified PyTorch LLaMA model
│   ├── utils
│   ├── main.py                           # employ XRec  
│   └── sample.py                         # see samples of generated explanations
├── generation
│   ├── instructions                      # system prompts for user/item profile and
│   ├── explanations
│   ├── item_profile                      # generate item profile
│   │   ├── item_prompts.json
│   │   ├── item_system_prompt.json
│   │   └── generate_profile.py
│   ├── user_profile                      # generate user profile
│   │   ├── user_prompts.json
│   │   ├── user_system_prompt.json
│   │   └── generate_profile.py
│   └── explanation                       # generate ground truth explanation
│       ├── exp_prompts.json
│       ├── exp_system_prompts.json  
│       └── generate_exp.py
└── evaluation
    ├── main.py
    ├── metrics.py   
    └── system_prompt.txt                  # system prompt for GPTScore


If you find XRec helpful to your research or applications, please kindly cite:

  title={XRec: Large Language Models for Explainable Recommendation},
  author={Ma, Qiyao and Ren, Xubin and Huang, Chao},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.02377},