

OWL--a system for finding concurrency attacks.

Install prerequisites:

Firstly you will need python 2.7 before proceed.<br> Then run following commands to install other prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install git subversion flex bison libc6-dev libc6-dev-i386 linux-libc-dev linux-libc-dev:i386 libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev build-essential bc debootstrap kvm qemu-kvm python-pip
sudo pip install pyinotify

Download OWL project:

git clone https://github.com/hku-systems/owl.git
cd owl
export OWL=`pwd`

Get and build GCC

cd $OWL/compilers && mkdir gcc7 && cd gcc7 && export GCC=`pwd`
svn checkout svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/trunk $GCC
svn up -r 247494
mkdir build
mkdir install
cd build
# --prefix indicates the path to install/ remember to change it to your absolute path
../configure --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-bootstrap --enable-checking=no --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-ld=/usr/bin/ld.bfd --disable-multilib --prefix=/home/wfan/owl/compilers/gcc7/install/ 
make -j48
make install

Build Linux kernel

cd $OWL/targets/linux
make defconfig
make kvmconfig
cp ../cfg_files/linux4.13_syzkaller_cfg ./.config
make CC='../../compilers/gcc7/install/bin/gcc' -j48

Create image

cd $OWL/targets/wheezy_image
sh create-image.sh

Set Go environments and install syzkaller

export GOROOT=$OWL/compilers/goroot
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
export GOPATH=$OWL/fuzzers/syzkaller
go get -u -d github.com/google/syzkaller/...
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/google/syzkaller/
make -j48

Remember to edit the my.cfg file to fit your env. <br> You can also add GOROOT and GOPATH to ~/.bashrc for convenience. <br> Then run syzkaller with

./bin/syz-manager -config=my.cfg

If error "Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied" is reported, you may need to check priviledge setting of /dev/kvm and do chmod.<br><br>

Build Ktsan Linux Kernel

Ktsan is a kernel built to find races in kernel.

cd $OWL/targets/ktsan
make defconfig
make kvmconfig
cp ../cfg_files/ktsan_config ./.config
make oldconfig
make CC='../../compilers/gcc7/install/bin/gcc' -j48

This project contains source code of gcc 7.1.0, linux 4.13, go 1.9. <br> If you want to use newer versions, you can go to their official websites to download.<br>


https://github.com/google/syzkaller/blob/master/docs/setup_ubuntu-host_qemu-vm_x86-64-kernel.md <br>