


Pass one of the properties below to Crystal Oracle and check if address is risky for this criteria

  1. atm – cryptocurrency ATM operator.
  2. dark_market – an online marketplace that operates via darknets and is used for trading illegal products for cryptocurrency.
  3. dark_service – an organization that operates via darknets and offers illegal services for cryptocurrency.
  4. exchange_mlrisk_low – exchanges that require KYC/AML identification for any deposit or withdrawal.
  5. exchange_mlrisk_moderate – exchanges that allow the withdrawal of up to $2000 in crypto daily without KYC/AML. (For fiat withdrawals, KYC/AML is still required.)
  6. exchange_mlrisk_high – exchanges that allow the withdrawal of more than $2000 in crypto daily without KYC/AML. (For fiat withdrawals, KYC/AML is still required.)
  7. exchange_mlrisk_veryhigh – exchanges that don’t use verification procedures, or have requirements for certain countries only.
  8. exchange_fraudulent – an exchange that was involved in illegal activity.
  9. gambling – an online resource offering gambling services using cryptocurrency.
  10. illegal_service – a resource offering illegal services or engaged in illegal activities.
  11. miner – an organization that utilizes its computing power for mining cryptocurrency blocks.
  12. mixer – a service for mixing funds from different sources to make tracing them back harder or almost impossible. It is mostly used for money laundering.
  13. marketplace – an entity offering legal services/trading goods for cryptocurrency.
  14. wallet – a service for storage and making payments with cryptocurrency.
  15. p2p_exchange_mlrisk_high – P2P exchanges that allow the withdrawal of more than $1000 in crypto daily without KYC/ AML procedures.
  16. p2p_exchange_mlrisk_low – P2P exchanges that require KYC/ AML identification for all deposits and withdrawals.
  17. payment – a service that acts as an intermediary between customers and the company which provides services for making a payment.
  18. ransom – extortioners demanding payment in the form of cryptocurrency.
  19. scam – entities that have scammed their customers and taken possession of their cryptocurrency.
  20. stolen_coins – the entities which have taken possession of someone else’s cryptocurrency by hacking

Request oracle to analyze property's risk factor

To request property call requestProperty method with account (address to check), jobId (job identifier from chainlink node) and property (one of supported properties).

function requestProperty(address account, bytes32 jobId, string calldata property) external;


ICrystalOracle(<oracle address>).requestProperty(0xeB31973E0FeBF3e3D7058234a5eBbAe1aB4B8c23, 0x9de7cf0db82943a1b2a4a9385483b20700000000000000000000000000000000, "atm")

Check if address is risky in context of specific property

To get risky call isRiskyProperty method with account (address to check) and property (one of supported properties).

function isRiskyProperty(address account, string calldata property) external view returns (bool);


ICrystalOracle(<oracle address>).isRiskyProperty(0xeB31973E0FeBF3e3D7058234a5eBbAe1aB4B8c23, "atm")