This repository contians an reimplmentation of WAE with Tensorflow.
I made one tweak on top of the paper. I used Wasserstein distance to penalize an encoder $Q_\phi$. In order to do that, I trained Discriminator $D_\gamma$ through critic loss with gradient penalty as Gularjani etal. suggested in [improved WGAN].
I (personally) believe that this implementation is much clearer and easy to read (, and more importantly, the code almost exactly matches with the algorithm shows on the paper), so I hope it will help someone who wants to digin more! Enjoy :beer:!
(Updates: 2018-May-1)
- MMD is implemented
- Question 1: What is inverse multiscale kernel? The formula looks a little bit different from other resources..
- Qeustion 2: On its original implementation, why MMD is evaluated on multiple scale (differnt C values) even though true scale is given as a prior? Doesn't it result in wrong MMD values and make Q_z diverge from P_z?
- Python 3.x (tested with Python 3.5)
- TF v1.x (tested with 1.7rc0)
- tqdm
- and etc... (please report if you find other deps.)
Check file to change target dataset or to adjust hyperparmeters such as z_dim, and etc...
See the MNIST Plot.ipynb
and CelebA Plot.ipynb
with Jupyter Notebook.
A pretrained model for both MNIST is included on the repository while a model for CelebA is uploaded on this place.
Please download the zip file and decompress it on assets/pretrained_models/celeba/last*
. Or, you can easily modify a path at the first cell on the notebook.
Trained with GTX-1080 Ti GPU for about 30 minutes
Learning statistics
Reconstruction Results (top): original images from MNIST validation set, (bottom): reconstructed image
It seems not sharp as the authors suggest, but it might due to not enough training and untuned hyperparameters such as lambda, number of layers, or etc.
Random Sampled Images
- Trained with GTX-1080 Ti GPU for about 1 day.
- Encode and Decode images size of 64 by 64.
- Reconstruction Results (top): original images from CelebA validation set, (bottom): reconstructed image
- Random Sampled Images With fully trained model, the results seem pretty nice! Can we still say that AE-variants generating blurry images?
- Intepolation on $z$ space.
- Other datasets (CelebA, or CIFAR10)
- The author's original TF implementation link