


Coverage Status

This repository shows how ExCoveralls' coveralls.post options can be used in some cases.

Problem 1: Line by line coverage does not show up

Paths to source files are different for each umbrella project, and detailed coverages for files do not show up on Coveralls UI. To solve this issue, you can use --subdir <path> and --rootdir <path> options. Path is broken

Problem 2: Want to use same build number for all umbrella projects coverage

We want to bundle all coverages for each umbrella project in a single build.

For example, we execute following mix coveralls.post under one umbrella project (for example, "umbrella1") with --parallel true:

MIX_ENV=test mix coveralls.post --umbrella --token $TOKEN --build $BUILD_NUM --sha $GIT_COMMIT --parallel true --subdir "umbrella1/" --branch "master" --name "local host" --message $GIT_COMMIT_MSG

Then we execute another mix coveralls.post under another umbrella project (for example, "umbrella2") with --parallel true:

MIX_ENV=test mix coveralls.post --umbrella --token $TOKEN --build $BUILD_NUM --sha $GIT_COMMIT --parallel true --subdir "umbrella2/" --branch "master" --name "local host" --message $GIT_COMMIT_MSG

Finally, we report the results with following:

curl -k https://coveralls.io/webhook\?repo_token\=$TOKEN -d "payload[build_num]=$BUILD_NUM&payload[status]=done"

We can use the same $BUILD_NUM for all umbrella projects using mix coveralls.post --build <build_num> option.