

Github Repo Content CRUD

CRUD API for a folder's content in a github repo
Think of it as your barebone headless CMS

Using octokit package
This Nodejs Syntax using vercel's serverless function

Use Case

It's a headless CRUD API for your content in a repository

Use case:
You want to manage your files through your custom "Admin" UI.

But setting up Auth(register/login) on a simple app for just one user (you as an admin) is just too much.

This code will protect sensitive route by using .env params that only we know (like your password). It's located in .env[admin_secret_code=]

Set Up

Copy paste .env.example to .env
Host it on Vercel (Since it's using vercel's function syntax, you can tweak it based on your serverless provider) For local server(run: vercel dev)

API List

//All content lists GET: http://localhost:3000/api/repo

//single content GET: http://localhost:3000/api/repo?file=your-file.md

//New content
POST: http://localhost:3000/api/repo

params: filename, content, secret_code

//Update content
PUT: http://localhost:3000/api/repo

params: filename, content, sha(original file), secret_code

//Delete content DELETE: http://localhost:3000/api/repo

params: filename, sha(original file), secret_code
