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A speedy, parallelized, hot-reloading Solidity test framework

Created by @mertcelebi and @pfletcherhill at ETHDenver.

Hot-reloading :fire:

Hot-reloading example


Install packages and run the build script (we prefer using yarn)

yarn global add espresso-tests

Running tests

espresso [--watch] [--fun]

We recommend updating your .gitignore to include .test/ directory.


Ethereum solidity development is still in it's early phase. But if you've ever written Solidity before, you know that testing it can be a pain. Truffle does a fine job compiling and deploying Solidity smart contracts, but Truffle's testing framework is slow and usually not helpful. With espresso we're trying to make Solidity testing easier, speedier, and more fun.

What it does

espresso is a testing framework for Solidity smart contracts, written in Javascript. Features include:

How we built it

espresso is a combination of many tools already being used in development and testing, namely parts of Truffle and Mocha. It relies on the nifty mocha-parallel-tests library for parallelizing the running of test files, and the testing RPC is created using Ganache.

Challenges we ran into

To list a few:


We're just starting to do benchmarking, but the performance thus far has been promising. On a demo folder of Open Zeppelin tests, espresso compiled Solidity, deployed to a test RPC and ran the tests almost twice as fast as Open Zeppelin's implementation of Truffle. Specifically, both successfully completed the 90 tests, with espresso taking 8.577s and Truffle taking 14.666s.