

Attention Diversification for Domain Generalization

This repo is the official implementation of ECCV2022 paper "Attention Diversification for Domain Generalization".


The pipeline of our proposed Attention Diversification framework is composed of Intra-Model Attention Diversification Regularization (Intra-ADR) and Inter-Model Attention Diversification Regularization (Inter-ADR). Intra-ADR is utilized to coaesely recall task-related features as much as possible, and then Inter-ADR is exploited to delicately distinguish domain- and task-related features for further suppression and enhancement respectively.

This code is based on Dassl.pytorch, the Intra-ADR and I2-ADR module are easily to implement, and the two modules' code can be found in ./dassl/engine/intra_adr.py and ./dassl/engine/i2_adr.py respectively.





Data Preparation

put your dataset in ./datasets/

Data folds structure

  └── PACS/
  |      ├── art_painting
  |      |      └── ...
  |      ├── cartoon
  |      |      └── ...
  |      ├── photo
  |      |      └── ...
  |      ├── sketch
  |      |      └── ...
  |      ├── art_painting_crossval_kfold.txt
  |      ├── art_painting_test_kfold.txt
  |      ├── art_painting_train_kfold.txt
  |      ├── cartoon_crossval_kfold.txt
  |      └── ...
  └── officehome/
  |      ├── art
  |      |      ├── train
  |      |      |    └── ...
  |      |      └── val
  |      ├── clipart
  |      |      └── ...
  |      ├── product
  |      |      └── ...
  |      └── real_world
  |             └── ...

ImageNet pretrained model

To perform domain generalization in PACS, please run,

Put ImageNet pretrained model in ./pretrain

Run I2-ADR (Intra-ADR+Inter-ADR)

# PACS | I2-ADR + MixStyle
bash run_i2.sh pacs

# PACS | I2-ADR + MixStyle
bash run_i2.sh office_home_dg

Run Intra-ADR module

# PACS | Intra-ADR + MixStyle
bash scripts/run_intra.sh pacs 

# OfficeHome | Intra-ADR + MixStyle
bash scripts/run_intra.sh office_home_dg


Please consider citing our paper if you find it useful for your research.

    title={Attention Diversification for Domain Generalization},
    author={Rang Meng, Xianfeng Li, Weijie Chen, Shicai Yang, Jie Song, Xinchao Wang, Lei Zhang, Mingli Song, Di Xie, Shiliang Pu},
    booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},


This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Other codes from open source repository follows the original distributive licenses.


This repo is built using Dassl.pytorch.

Contact Information

For help or issues using this repo, please submit a GitHub issue.

For other communications related to this repo, please contact Rang Meng (mengrang-at-hikvision.com), Xianfeng Li (lixianfeng6-at-hikvision.com).