This is a simple script to download all NPH stops as GTFS-compatible CSV.
The script uses the following endpoint:{minx}%3A{miny}%3AWGS84%5BDD.DDDDD%5D&boundingBoxRL={maxx}%3A{maxy}%3AWGS84%5BDD.DDDDD%5D&coordOutputFormat=WGS84%5BGGZHTXX%5D&type_1=STOP&outputFormat=json&inclFilter=1```
It starts from bounding box `(5, 47, 15, 56)` and works down to smaller quadrants.
The script produces CSV output in the following format:
"stop_id","stop_name","stop_lon","stop_lat","stop_code" "23208106","N�rde, Post",9.09782,51.53124,"de:5762:8106"
# Usage
npm install node index.js
# Disclaimer
Usage of this script may or may not be legal, use on your own risk.
This repository provides only source code, no data.
# License
Source code is licensed under [BSD 2-clause license](LICENSE). No license and no guarantees implied on the produced data, produce and use on your own risk.