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Welcome to Hiddify-Manager

Hiddify-Manager is a powerful and professional anti-censorship toolbox, which is a multi-user panel with an effortless installation and <b>supporting more than 20 protocols</b> including <b>Reality</b> and <b>Telegram proxy</b> to circumvent filtering. It's optimized for censorship circumvention in <b>China</b>, <b>Russia</b> and <b>Iran</b> and listed by <a href="https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core#installation" target="_blank"><b>Xray</b></a>.

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Table of Contents

Why Hiddify-Manager?

The word Hiddify is a combination of hidden and simplify. We aim to bring together everything that helps to make it simple and hidden in Hiddify-Manager. In other words, it is a panel with a wide range of features and capabilities that helps you enjoy hassle-free and secure internet browsing. Serving as a user-friendly VPN solution, Hiddify-Manager ensures that you can access the free internet with ease and peace of mind.

Attractive features

And dozens of other features that you will notice upon installation.

<details markdown="1"> <summary><h3>Supported protocols</h3> (click here)</summary>
Supported ConfigsSupported ConfigsSupported Configs
DirectCDNDomain Fronting
- Reality XTLS vless<br>- Reality gRPC vless<br>- SSH<br>- Hysteria2<br>- TUICv5
Trojan:<br>- TLS WS<br>- TLS TCP<br>- TLS gRPC<br>- TLS H2 WS<br>- TLS H2 TCP<br>- TLS H2 gRPC<br>Trojan:<br>- TLS WS<br>- TLS gRPC<br>- TLS H2 WS<br>- TLS H2 gRPC<br><br><br>Trojan:<br>- TLS WS Fake<br><br><br><br><br><br>
Vless:<br>- TLS WS<br>- HTTP WS<br>- TLS XTLS<br>- TLS gRPC<br>- TLS H2 TLS<br>- TLS H2 WS<br>- TLS H2 gRPCVless:<br>- TLS WS<br>- TLS gRPC<br>- HTTP WS<br>- TLS H2 WS<br>- TLS H2 gRPC<br><br><br><br><br>Vless:<br>- TLS WS Fake<br>- HTTP WS Fake<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
Vmess:<br>- TLS WS<br>- TLS TCP<br>- HTTP WS<br>- HTTP TCP<br>- TLS gRPC<br>- TLS H2 WS<br>- TLS H2 TCP<br>Vmess:<br>- TLS WS<br>- TLS gRPC<br>- HTTP WS<br>- TLS H2 WS<br>- TLS H2 gRPC<br><br><br>Vmess:<br>- TLS WS Fake<br>- HTTP WS Fake<br><br><br><br><br><br>
V2ray:<br>- TLS WS<br>- HTTP WS<br>- TLS H2V2ray:<br>- TLS WS<br>- HTTP WS<br>- TLS H2
Shadowsocks:<br>- TLS Shadowtls<br>- HTTP Shadowtls<br>- TLS H2 Shadowtls<br>- TLS H3 Shadowtls
<!-- | Supported Configs | Supported Configs | | - | - | | ♥ **Telegram Proxy** ♥ | **vless+xtls** | | **Web Socket (cdn support)**:<br> - vless+tls+ws <br>- trojan+tls+ws <br> - vmess+tls+ws | **h2+tls**:<br> - vless+tls<br> - trojan+tls<br> - vmess+tls | | **grpc+tls**:<br> - vless+grpc+tls<br> - trojan+grpc+tls<br> - vmess+grpc+tls | **http1.1+tls**: <br>- trojan+tls <br> - vmess+tls| | **old configs**: <br> - trojango (cdn support) <br> - v2ray+ws (cdn support) <br> - vmess (cdn support) <br> - ss+faketls| **HTTP** <br> -unsafe, default is disable <br> - vless<br> -vmess | --> </details> <details markdown="1"> <summary><h3>Smart proxy for domestic and filtered sites</h3> (click here)</summary>

You can connect to the internet in 3 modes using Hiddify-Next and Hiddify-Manager.

  1. This method only circumvents filtered websites via the proxies.
  2. This method circumvents all websites except domestic websites based in China, Russia and Iran. This way the domestic websites can be opened without any proxies (recommended)
  3. This method circumvents all websites.

At the same time, the proposed solution is resistant to detection by the internet filtering entities and prevents the usual attacks on the server i.e., the possibility of detection is minimal, however, do not forget to disable other ports except 22, 80 and 443.

</details> <details markdown="1"><summary><h3>Other fantastic features</h3> (click here)</summary> <details markdown="1"> <summary>Supported operating systems</summary> Hiddify-Manager has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04. Ubuntu arm64 or amd64 </details> <details markdown="1"> <summary>Speed test</summary>

In this way, you can check the speed of the server with and without anti-filter.


</details> <details markdown="1"> <summary>DNS over HTTPS (CDN support)</summary>

To use DNS over HTTPS, just use the following DNS in the browser.


</details> <details markdown="1"> <summary>Redirector (CDN support)</summary> When you want to share Telegram proxy or Shadowsocks proxy through other programs, it is possible to redirect with CDN support. For example, if you put the Shadowsocks configuration instead of "fullURL", clicking on this link will open Shadowsocks app and activate the proxy on it. For example:


Replace "fullURL" by the Shadowsocks configuration.


</details> </details> </details>

Installation and tutorials

Please find tutorial information on our website by clicking on image below.

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We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the contributors of the following projects, whose robust foundation and innovative features have significantly enhanced the success and functionality of this project.

Donation And Support

The easiest way to support us is to click on the star (⭐) at the top of this page.

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We also need financial support for our services. All of our activities are done voluntarily and financial support will be spent on the development of the project. You can view our support addresses here.

Collaboration and Contact Information

We need your collaboration in order to develop this project. If you are specialists in these areas, please do not hesitate to contact us and mention your skill.

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