

Shell Bling Ubuntu

A few shell scripts to get us some command-line niceties, for a fresh new Ubuntu installation.

📹 Video - silent install, 2023.12.06


The above is 10x to give a feel for how the commands work, it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes. Normal-speed video here.


From a brand spanking fresh new install of Ubuntu 24.04!

(optional) Bless your efforts

Before you begin whatever you're doing, take a deep breath, and say

*Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code.*

Get the bling

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y curl   # well it can't all be in a script!
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hiAndrewQuinn/shell-bling-ubuntu/main/shell-bling-sudo.bash | sudo bash

Close your terminal, and use Ctrl+Alt+T. This time you should open into the Kitty terminal emulator, not the stock Ubuntu one.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hiAndrewQuinn/shell-bling-ubuntu/main/shell-bling-user.bash | bash

chsh -s $(which fish)

Close and reopen your terminal again.

# ⚠️ This will ask you DYNAMICALLY to pick your text editor.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hiAndrewQuinn/shell-bling-ubuntu/main/shell-bling.fish | fish

Close and reopen your terminal one more time.

Then run nvim. You should see it pop up with all the neat little icons.


(optional) Add Copilot to Neovim

LazyVim was the only Neovim setup that had instructions for integrating it with Github Copilot last I checked, and now it's even easier to install.

  1. Hit e to bring up "Lazy Extras". (It might also be x on your machine, look at the screen!)
  2. Go to coding.copilot and hit x to install it. Then :quit Neovim and restart it.
  3. Finally, run :Copilot auth to start the authentication process.



What does it come with?

Look in the scripts and see for yourself! But here's a quick one-line explanation of everything in here so far, and why you might find it useful:

The Holy Trinity

Shells and Terminal Utilities

Help Text ... Helpers

File and Directory Utilities

Text Editors and Viewers

Development and Coding Tools

Data Manipulation and Viewing

System Monitoring and Search

Things Other Things Here Need To Work Right

If I've forgotten anything, let me know!

Can I run this on a live USB?

I don't recommend it; for some reason, every time I've tried these on a Live USB in a VM with 8 GB of RAM allocated to it, the VM shuts down mysteriously. Running watch free -h hasn't revealed to me any obvious out of RAM error, so I'm stumped! Can you help me debug this mysterious issue?

Does this work on Ubuntu Server?

Yes! Here's a Raspberry Pi SSH connection (using kitty +kitten ssh for true convenience) running Ubuntu Server 23.10. I had no issues at all installing it:



Where else does this work?

Here's a list of places your humble author has ran these scripts and found them to work unaltered: