

TF: Textfile & String Library for AutoHotkey [lib] - v3.8

A "Swiss Army Knife" library for Text (files)


As the name suggest this is an AutoHotkey (AHK) Library with a number of functions to "manipulate" text, both files such as *.txt, *.ahk, *.html, *.css etc AND Strings (or variables). For example you can delete specific lines, replace words or specific lines, number lines, remove or insert columns of text, etc. See the list of functions below for a complete overview.

It is not useful for binary files or data such as MS Office files, PDFs, EXEcutables, images etc. (Tip: search the AHK forum for "binread" to find some pointers on how to read, write and "edit" binary files.)


  1. TF
  2. TF_Save
  3. TF_CountLines
  4. TF_Count *1
  5. TF_ReadLines
  6. TF_Tail
  7. TF_Replace
  8. TF_ReplaceInLines
  9. TF_RegExReplace
  10. TF_RegExReplaceInLines
  11. TF_RemoveLines
  12. TF_RemoveBlankLines
  13. TF_RemoveDuplicateLines
  14. TF_InsertLine
  15. TF_ReplaceLine
  16. TF_InsertPrefix
  17. TF_InsertSuffix
  18. TF_TrimLeft
  19. TF_TrimRight
  20. TF_AlignLeft
  21. TF_AlignCenter
  22. TF_AlignRight
  23. TF_LineNumber
  24. TF_ConCat
  25. TF_ColGet
  26. TF_ColPut
  27. TF_ColCut
  28. TF_ReverseLines
  29. TF_Find (can be used as basic grep)
  30. TF_SplitFileByLines
  31. TF_SplitFileByText
  32. TF_Merge *2
  33. TF_Prepend *2
  34. TF_Append *2
  35. TF_Wrap
  36. TF_WhiteSpace
  37. TF_Substract
  38. TF_RangeReplace
  39. TF_MakeFile
  40. TF_Tab2Spaces
  41. TF_Spaces2Tab
  42. TF_Sort
  43. TF_Join


  1. TF_Count does not support files and only works with variables.
  2. TF_Merge, TF_Prepend, TF_Append currently do not support variables and only work with FILES.


It is important to understand a few basic concepts before you start working with the TF library:

To understand how to work with files and variables please read the "Textfile and the ! Prefix" and "Files & Variables" sections below.

File encoding, codepage

If you experience TF is changing the file encoding (codepage) try to set the correct file encoding at the top of your script (or at least before you call a TF function) using the following AutoHotkey command: http://ahkscript.org/docs/commands/FileEncoding.htm

Please note, there is no way to determine the file encoding 100% accurately, even if a file contains BOM. See the discussion about this topic and possibly useful additional functions at the AutoHotkey forum http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/95986-filegetencoding-filegetformat/ (The result of these functions are simply a best guess assuming UTF-8 more common when BOM - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_Order_Mark - is missing).

How to "install" / use

You can either place TF.ahk in your LIB directory (see http://ahkscript.org/docs/Functions.htm#lib) or use #include (see http://ahkscript.org/docs/commands/_Include.htm)

You can find examples of most functions in the "example script" here http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=280363#280363

Note: Because most of these functions operate on a line by line basis they WILL be slower compared to a function or script which could operate on an entire file or variable at once. Keep this in mind if you need to process many files/variables or very large files/variables in case speed is an issue.

Quick intro to Parameters

Almost all functions accept the following basic parameters:

<table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"> <tr valign="top"> <td><b>Parameter</b></td> <td><b>Meaning</b></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Text</td> <td>The Filename (may include (absolute) path) to read from and save to (for all functions that write an output file).<br /> <b>Note:</b> by default a filename_copy will be created, use the ! prefix if you want to OverWrite the TextFile (e.g. the source file)<br /> As of v3 "Text" can also be a variable or indeed text directly passed on to the function.<br /> See <a href='#textfile-and-the--prefix'>Textfile and the ! Prefix</a>. </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>! Prefix</td> <td>If Text starts with ! (eg: "!c:\sample.txt") it will overwrite the text file, otherwise it will save the new file to a copy of the text file eg: Filename_copy.txt (All functions, apart from reading functions because there is no output file) <br /> <b>Tip:</b> you can use concatenation to add the !, e.g. "!" . "Filename.txt", see the examples in the AHK thread.<br /> Note: If Text is a variable, it can start with a ! as TF will detect automatically that it is not a file and will therefore not create a file but return the altered variable instead.<br /> See <a href='#textfile-and-the--prefix'>Textfile and the ! Prefix</a>. </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Lines</td> <td>Number of lines to read</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>StartLine</td> <td>Start of Range (Almost all).<br /> See <a href='#startline-endline-syntax'>(StartLine, Endline) Syntax</a>. </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>EndLine</td> <td>End of Range (Almost all).<br /> See <a href='#startline-endline-syntax'>(StartLine, Endline) Syntax</a>. </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>SearchText</td> <td>Text to Find (Find / Replace functions)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>ReplaceText</td> <td>Text to Replace (Find / Replace functions)</td> </tr> </table>


  1. Many functions also have specific parameters, see the description of each function below.
  2. Backup files: If a subdirectory "backup" is present in the directory of TextFile a backup is made before overwriting the original file (both for file.txt and file_copy.txt) with the BAK extension
  3. You can find examples of most functions in the "example script" here http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=280363#280363

(StartLine, Endline) Syntax

You can pass on multiple lines (sections) by using the StartLine parameter.


Incremental (EndLine will not be ignored) in the following cases:

Negative Startline

Textfile and the ! Prefix

Valid examples for using a Textfile:

TF_("file.txt", .... ; Process file.txt and write output to file_copy.txt

F=file.txt ; ; Note how F is a variable, but AHK/TF will see it is meant to represent file.txt and write output to file_copy.txt
TF_(F, .... ; Process file.txt and write output to file_copy.txt
TF_("!file.txt", .... ; Process file.txt and overwrite file.txt

TF_("!" . F, .... ; Process file.txt and overwrite file.txt

TF_(F, .... ; Process file.txt and overwrite file.txt

In a Loop, FilePattern:
TF_(A_LoopFileName, .... ; Process file and write output to file_copy
TF_("!" . A_LoopFileName, .... ; Process file and overwrite file

Loop, *.txt
     TF_(A_LoopFileName, .... ; Process file and write output to file_copy

If you want to use multiple TF functions on a single file it is advised to use the ! Prefix

TF_RemoveBlankLines(F)        ; remove all empty lines from file.txt and overwrite original file.txt
TF_LineNumber(F)              ; add linenumbers to all lines and overwrite original file.txt
TF_Replace(F, "this", "that") ; Replace the word "this" with "that" and overwrite original file.txt
; So the original file.txt has undergone three changes

Files & Variables (v3+)

You can use TF functions directly on files as well as variables. Below you will find some easy examples.

Introduced in v3: TF()

In order to save you the trouble of using a fileread to read a file into a variable and proceed to use various TF functions there is the TF() Function.

TF("pathtofile", CreateGlobalVar="T")

By default it reads the contents of the file in a global variable named t and returns it for further processing. By default it creates variable t if a variable name is omitted so if you do not like to use t you can use anything you like. It is NOT mandatory to use TF(), you are welcome to use a fileread as well, TF() is merely added for convenience as we will see in the examples below. TF() doesn't suddenly make the TF library "not standard compliant" as some seem to think as it only creates a global variable if you use the TF() function.

Repeat: You only have to use TF() if you want to read a file into a variable and use it on multiple TF_* Functions but it is NOT required.

See also TF Lib Errors below.

TF() Examples:

TF("file.txt") ; will create global var t
TF("file.txt", "MyVar") ; will create global var MyVar

Examples on how to use files & variables with TF:

#Include tf.ahk
TestFile= ; create variable
1 Hi this
2 a test variable
3 to demonstrate
4 how to 
5 use this
6 new version
7 of TF.AHK
FileDelete, TestFile.txt
FileAppend, %TestFile%, TestFile.txt ; create file
F=TestFile.txt ; just a shorthand code for TextFile.txt, so when
; we are using 'F' below we are still passing on a TextFile, not a variable!

; pass on file, read lines 5 to end of file:
MsgBox % "From File 1:`n" TF_ReadLines("TestFile.txt",5)
MsgBox % "From File 2:`n" TF_ReadLines(F,5)              ; same

; pass on variable, read lines 1 to 5
MsgBox % "From Variable 1:`n" TF_ReadLines(TestFile,"1-5")  
MsgBox % "From Variable 2:`n" TF_ReadLines("Hi`nthis`nis`na`ntest`nvariable`nfor`ntesting",1,3) ; pass on string

; Examples using TF(): (it will save you a FileRead if you want to work with Variables)

TF("TestFile.txt") ; read file, create global var t
t:=TF_ReadLines(t,5) ; pass on global var t created by TF(), read lines 5 to end of file, assign result to t 
MsgBox % "TF(), example 1:`n" t

TF("TestFile.txt", "MyVar") ; read file, create global var MyVar
MyVar:=TF_ReadLines(MyVar,5) ; pass on global var MyVar created by TF(), read lines 5 to end of file, assign result to MyVar
MsgBox % "TF(), example 2:`n" MyVar

; Note how we can use TF() here
t:=TF_ReadLines(TF("TestFile.txt"),5) ; pass on global var t created by TF(), read lines 5 to end of file, assign result to t 
MsgBox % "TF(), example 3:`n" t

MyVar:=TF_ReadLines(TF("TestFile.txt","MyVar"),5) ; pass on global var t created by TF(), read lines 5 to end of file, assign result to t 
MsgBox % "TF(), example 4:`n" MyVar

t:=TF_ReadLines(TF(F),5) ; pass on global var t created by TF(), read lines 5 to end of file, assign result to t
t:=TF_ReverseLines(t,5) ; pass on global var t created by TF(), reverse lines, assign result to t
MsgBox % "TF(), example 5:`n" t

; Work directly with the clipboard or another other variable
Clipboard=Line 1`nLine 2`nLine 3`nLine 4`nLine 5`nLine 6`nLine 7`nLine 8
Clipboard:=TF_RemoveLines(Clipboard, 3, 6) ; remove lines 3 to 6
MsgBox % "Clipboard, example 6:`n" Clipboard

Note TF_Merge, TF_Prepend, TF_Append currently do not support variables and only work with FILES.

Common mistake(s):

MyVar:=TF_ReadLines("TestFile.txt",5) ; this is wrong. It is AN INCORRECT EXAMPLE!

The example above is incorrect: You pass on a file so the output is testfile_copy.txt. In this case nothing meaningful is assigned to the variable MyVar. Correct would be:

MyVar:=TF_ReadLines(MyVar,5) ; this is OK
MyVar:=TF_ReadLines(TF("TestFile.txt","MyVar"),5) ; this is OK

Functions and Examples

Note: Some of these functions are very similar, but they are included in the library for ease of use ...

You can find examples of most functions in the "example script" here http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=280363#280363

<a name="TF"></a>

TF(TextFile, CreateGlobalVar="T")

Note: see background info and examples above at Files and Variables.

<a name="TF_CountLines"></a>


MsgBox % TF_CountLines("File.txt") ; show the number of lines of file in a MsgBox
Lines:=TF_CountLines("File.txt") ; store the number of lines of file in a variable

<a name="TF_Count"></a>

TF_Count(String, Char)

Notes: do not use it to count lines (using `n) because it will return an incorrect value, use TF_CountLines for counting lines. TF_Count does not support files and only works with variables.

MsgBox % TF_Count("Hello this is an example", "i") ; count how many i's there are in the string

<a name="TF_ReadLines"></a>

TF_ReadLines(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, RemoveTrailing = 0)

Note: by default it will add a newline character to the last line, so if you want to append new data you don't have to start it with a newline char. If you don't want that use RemoveTrailing = 1.

MsgBox % TF_ReadLines("File.txt",5) ; Read lines 5 to end of file, show result in a MsgBox
Lines:=TF_ReadLines("File.txt",5) ; Read lines 5 to end of file, store result in variable
MsgBox % TF_ReadLines("File.txt",5,0,1) ; 0 for end line indicates until end of file, remove trailing empty line.

<a name="TF_Tail"></a>

TF_Tail(Text, Lines = 1, RemoveTrailing = 0, ReturnEmpty = 1)


  1. Lines can be a negative number: -1 will get the second to last line. If you use a negative number it will ALWAYS retrieve a SINGLE line
  2. By default TF_Tail will return empty lines, if you don't want that use ReturnEmpty = 0
  3. By default TF_Tail will add a newline character to the last line, so if you want to append new data to the returned data you don't have to start it with a newline char. If you don't want that use RemoveTrailing = 1
MsgBox % TF_Tail("File.txt", 3) ; get the last three lines
MsgBox % TF_Tail("File.txt", -2) ; get second to last line, negative values only return one line
MsgBox % TF_Tail("File.txt", 5, 0, 0) ; return the last five lines, with trailing new line and excluding empty lines

<a name="TF_Replace"></a>

TF_Replace(Text, SearchText, Replacement="")

TF_Replace("File.txt","key","lock")            ; pass on a file, replace the word "key" with "lock" in file_copy.txt

<a name="TF_ReplaceInLines"></a>

TF_ReplaceInLines(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, SearchText = "", ReplaceText = "")

TF_ReplaceInLines("!File.txt","1,3,9","","key","lock") ;  update source file, replace "key" with "lock" in lines 1, 3 and 9

<a name="TF_RegExReplace"></a>

TF_RegExReplace(Text, NeedleRegEx = "", Replacement = "")

TF_RegExReplace("File.txt","im)^(.*)$","[$1]") ; pass on a file, wrap all lines in []

<a name="TF_RegExReplaceInLines"></a>

TF_RegExReplaceInLines(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, NeedleRegEx= "", Replacement = "")

TF_RegExReplaceInLines("File.txt",3,8," [a-z]{3} "," lock ")  ; replace any three letter word with "lock" in lines 3 to 8

<a name="TF_RemoveLines"></a>

TF_RemoveLines(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0)

TF_RemoveLines("File.txt", 5, 10) ; remove lines 5 to 10 from file

Note: If you pass on a negative value for StartLine, example TF_RemoveLines(Text, -5, .... it will remove these lines from the end of Text, so -5 will remove the last five lines. The EndLine parameter is ignored.

<a name="TF_RemoveBlankLines"></a>

TF_RemoveBlankLines(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0)

Note: also removes lines with only tabs & spaces e.g. "white space"

TF_RemoveBlankLines("File.txt") ; remove blanklines in entire file

<a name="TF_RemoveDuplicateLines"></a>

TF_RemoveDuplicateLines(Text, StartLine = 1, Endline = 0, Consecutive= 0, CaseSensitive = false)

TF_RemoveDuplicateLines("File.txt","","",1,false) ; remove only Consecutive duplicate lines

<a name="TF_InsertLine"></a>

TF_InsertLine(Text, StartLine = 1, Endline = 0, InsertText = "")

TF_InsertLine("File.txt","2,4,9",5,"---")     ; insert --- in lines 2 4 and 9. 5 is endline will be ignored

<a name="TF_ReplaceLine"></a>

TF_ReplaceLine(Text, StartLine = 1, Endline = 0, ReplaceText = "")

TF_ReplaceLine("File.txt","1+3",8,"---")      ; replace lines 1 4 and 7. 8 is end line so no more lines are processed after 

<a name="TF_InsertPrefix"></a>

TF_InsertPrefix(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, Text = "")

TF_InsertPrefix("File.txt",5,8, "Hello ")          ; Prefix Hello in lines 5 to 8

<a name="TF_InsertSuffix"></a>

TF_InsertSuffix(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0 , Text = "")

TF_InsertSuffix("File.txt","2-4,6-9","", " Hello")  ; Suffix Hello in lines 2 to 4 and 6 to 9

<a name="TF_TrimLeft"></a>

TF_TrimLeft(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, Count = 1)

TF_TrimLeft("File.txt","","",25)                    ; Trim Left 25 Characters of all lines

<a name="TF_TrimRight"></a>

TF_TrimRight(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, Count = 1)

TF_TrimRight("File.txt","4,6,8","",45)              ; Trim Right 45 Characters in lines 4, 6 and 8

<a name="TF_AlignLeft"></a>

TF_AlignLeft(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, Columns = 80, Padding = 0)

Note: Using the Align functions will not take into account any leading or trailing spaces a line had BEFORE processing. So all white space before and after the text is removed before the text is aligned.

Padding = 0 Remove trailing white space
Padding = 1 Keep trailing white space
TF_AlignLeft("File.txt","","",90, 1)    ; AlignLeft all lines, keep trailing white space

<a name="TF_AlignCenter"></a>

TF_AlignCenter(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, Columns = 80, Padding = 0)

Note: Using the Align functions will not take into account any leading or trailing spaces a line had BEFORE processing. So all white space before and after the text is removed before the text is aligned.

Skip = 0 process empty lines, fill with spaces
Skip = 1 skip empty lines, do not fill with spaces
TF_AlignCenter("File.txt","","",150, 1) ; AlignCenter, all lines skip empty lines, do not fill with spaces

<a name="TF_AlignRight"></a>

TF_AlignRight(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, Columns = 80, Skip = 0)

Note: Using the Align functions will not take into account any leading or trailing spaces a line had BEFORE processing. So all white space before and after the text is removed before the text is aligned.

Skip = 0 process empty lines, fill with spaces
Skip = 1 skip empty lines, do not fill with spaces
TF_AlignRight("File.txt","","", 190, 0) ; AlignRight, all lines, do not skip empty lines fill them with spaces

<a name="TF_LineNumber"></a>

TF_LineNumber(Text, Leading = 0, Restart = 0, Char = 0)

Leading = 0 No padding with leading zeros
Leading >= 1 Include padding with leading zeros (001 v 1)
Restart = restart counter after X lines (starting again at 1)
Char = character to use for leading/padding. Default 0, but can be any character. Tip: use a space.
TF_LineNumber("File.txt",1,15,A_Space)  ; Add linenumbers, padding with spaces, linenumbers are aligned right because of space

<a name="TF_ConCat"></a>

TF_ConCat(FirstTextFile, SecondTextFile, OutputFile, Blanks = 0, FirstPadMargin = 0, SecondPadMargin = 0)

Based on: CONCATenate text files, ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/ts/tsfltc22.zip - Backup: http://www.retroarchive.org/garbo/pc/ts/

With TF_ConCat you can join Text files side by side. Blanks is number of blanks between lines. You can pad blanks the right margin of either of the text files, for this use FirstPadMargin and SecondPadMargin.

<a name="TF_ColGet"></a>

TF_ColGet(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, StartColumn = 1, EndColumn = 1, Skip = 0)

Note: A TAB character is 1 character so for files with TABS the column might not be where you expect it to be
skip = 0, DO NOT skip lines shorter then startcolumn position
skip = 1, skip lines shorter then startcolumn position
TF_ColGet and TF_ColPut accept negative StartColumn parameter. This can be used to "Get" or "Put" text in the x-th "column" from the right
TF_ColGet("File.txt","","",2,13)    ; get columns 2 to 13 from all lines, so it removes all other columns from the file or variable

<a name="TF_ColPut"></a>

TF_ColPut(Text, Startline = 1, EndLine = 0, StartColumn = 1, Text = "", Skip = 0)

Based on: COLPUT.EXE & CUT.EXE, ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/ts/tsfltc22.zip - Backup: http://www.retroarchive.org/garbo/pc/ts/

Note: A TAB character is 1 character so for files with TABS the column might not be where you expect it to be
skip = 0, DO NOT skip lines shorter then startcolumn position
skip = 1, skip lines shorter then startcolumn position
TF_ColGet and TF_ColPut accept negative StartColumn parameter. This can be used to "Get" or "Put" text in the x-th "column" from the right
TF_ColPut("File.txt","","",5, "|", 0) ; insert | in column 5 of all lines including empty lines (= | will be at column 1)

<a name="TF_ColCut"></a>

TF_ColCut(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, StartColumn = 1, EndColumn = 1)

Based on: COLPUT.EXE & CUT.EXE, ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/ts/tsfltc22.zip

TF_ColCut("File.txt", "2+2", "", 4, 38)  ; remove columns 4 to 38 in lines 2 4 6 8 etc

<a name="TF_ReverseLines"></a>

TF_ReverseLines(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0)

Note: Startline parameter can not use specific lines, sections or incremental values here

TF_ReverseLines("File.txt",2,9) ; reverse lines 2 to 9

<a name="TF_Find"></a>

TF_Find(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, SearchText = "", ReturnFirst = 1, ReturnText = 0)

TF_Find(Lines) uses Regular Expressions - This means that if you use certain characters which have a special meaning in a RegEx: \.*?+[{|()^$ they must be preceded by a backslash to be seen as literal. For example, \. is a literal period and \\ is a literal backslash. Escaping can be avoided by using \Q...\E. For example: \QLiteral Text\E. See http://ahkscript.org/docs/commands/RegExMatch.htm for further information.

ReturnFirst = 0 return multiple lines 
ReturnFirst = 1 return first line only

ReturnText = 0 return line numbers only
ReturnText = 1 return entire line (text). This simulates a basic grep feature
ReturnText = 2 return line numbers + entire line (text). This simulates a basic grep feature 
MsgBox % TF_Find("File.txt", "", "", "keys") ; return first line number with keys in it
MsgBox % TF_Find("File.txt", "", "", " c[a-z]+s ", 0, 1) ; find all lines with words that start with a c an end with an s

<a name="TF_SplitFileByLines"></a>

TF_SplitFileByLines(Text, SplitAt, Prefix = "file", Extension = "txt", InFile = 1)

SplitAt = Number of lines (three methods, see below)
Prefix . Extension = filenameAUTOINCREMENT.Extension (Example: part_ . txt)
InFile = 0 skip line e.g. do not include the actual line in any of the output files
InFile = 1 include line IN current file
InFile = 2 include line IN next file

Note: If you pass on a variable to TF_SplitFileByLines, the array size will be returned as Prefix0 and the array elements as Prefix1, Prefix2 etc similar to the AHK StringSplit command. The Extension parameter is ignored when using variables. Some characters are illegal such as - + @ % & * _ \ / [ ] etc to use in Prefix, stick to a-z A-Z.

Options for "SplitAt" parameter:

a) One numerical value, example TF_SplitFileByLines(Text, "25", .... 
   will split text every 25 lines until the end 
b) Split at rotating line lengths using a dash "-" as separator, example TF_SplitFileByLines(Text, "5-10-15", .... 
   will split text at 5 10 15 lines, until the end so 5 lines, 10 lines, 15 lines, 5 lines, 10 lines etc
c) Split at specific lines using a comma "," as separator, example TF_SplitFileByLines(Text, "5,81,135", .... 
   will split text at lines 5,81,135 until end of file (e.g. last file will be from line 135 until the end)
TF_SplitFileByLines("File.txt", 2, "part", "zec", 1) ; split source file every 2 lines, include 2nd line INFILE
; illustrate use of variables and returned arrays:
TF_SplitFileByLines(Variable, 2, "part", "zec", 1)
MsgBox % "Array size: " . Part0 . "`n1st array element: "  Part1

<a name="TF_SplitFileByText"></a>

TF_SplitFileByText(Text, SplitAt, Prefix = "file", Extension = "txt", InFile = 1)

SplitAt = Text, can be RegEx
Prefix . Extension = filenameAUTOINCREMENT.Extension (Example: part_ . txt)
InFile = 0 skip line e.g. do not include the actual line in any of the output files
InFile = 1 include line IN current file
InFile = 2 include line IN next file

Note: If you pass on a variable to TF_SplitFileByLines, the array size will be returned as Prefix0 and the array elements as Prefix1, Prefix2 etc similar to the AHK StringSplit command. The Extension parameter is ignored when using variables. Some characters are illegal such as - + @ % & * _ \ / [ ] etc to use in Prefix, stick to a-z A-Z.

TF_SplitFileByText("File.txt", "button", "part", "zec", 1)   ; split source file on every line with the word button, include that line INFILE
; illustrate use of variables and returned arrays:
TF_SplitFileByText(Variable, "keyboard", "part", "zec", 1)
MsgBox % "Array size: " . Part0 . "`n1st array element: "  Part1

TF_Merge(FileList, Separator = "`n", FileName = "merged.txt")

Example FileList:


Note: TF_Merge, TF_Prepend, TF_Append currently do not support variables and only work with FILES.

; using Loop (files & folders) to create one quickly if you want to merge all TXT files for example:
Loop, c:\*.txt
  FileList .= A_LoopFileFullPath "`n"
TF_Merge(FileList) ; will create merged.txt, you can use ! to overwrite an existing file if you want

; using FileSelectFile to select files to merged: (Thanks for asking Vitor, http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=335329#335329)
FileDelete merged.txt ; not required
FileSelectFile, FileList, M 1,,, *.txt ; M allows you to select multiple files while holding down the left ctrl button
If (ErrorLevel = 1) or (FileList = "")
   ExitApp ; no files selected
Path:=TF_ReadLines(FileList,1,1,1) ; the first line holds the directory of the selected files, so read path
FileList:=TF_RemoveLines(FileList,1,1) ; remove path from filelist
FileList:=TF_InsertPrefix(FileList, "", "", Path . "\") ; make sure all files have full paths to file so the are read correctly
TF_Merge(FileList) ; will create a file in the current script dir called merged.txt you can also specify another filename, take into account the filedelete merged.txt above

; You could skip the Path:= step above by calling TF_ReadLines directly in TF_InsertPrefix, but you would have to delete the first line AFTER it like so:
;FileList:=TF_InsertPrefix(FileList, "", "", TF_ReadLines(FileList,1,1,1) . "\")

<a name="TF_Prepend"></a>

TF_Prepend(File1, File2)

Note: TF_Merge, TF_Prepend, TF_Append currently do not support variables and only work with FILES.

<a name="TF_Append"></a>

TF_Append(File1, File2)

Note: TF_Merge, TF_Prepend, TF_Append currently do not support variables and only work with FILES.

<a name="TF_Wrap"></a>

TF_Wrap(Text, Columns = 80, AllowBreak = 0, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0)

AllowBreak = 0 will not "break" words, so it will take into account whole words and not chop them off. 
AllowBreak = 1 will break words
TF_Wrap("File.txt",60)            ; wrap at col 60

<a name="TF_WhiteSpace"></a>

TF_WhiteSpace(Text, RemoveLeading = 1, RemoveTrailing = 1, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0)

RemoveLeading = 0  Do not remove leading white space of lines
RemoveLeading = 1  Remove leading white space of lines
RemoveTrailing = 0 Do not remove trailing white space of lines
RemoveTrailing = 1 Remove trailing white space of lines       
TF_WhiteSpace("File.txt", 1, 0, "5-10") ; remove leading and keep trailing whitespace in lines 5 to 10

<a name="TF_Substract"></a>

TF_Substract(File1, File2, PartialMatch = 0)

File2: you can use !file2 to overwrite file2 otherwise output is file2_copy.txt
PartialMatch = 0 lines from file1 must appear as is, case insensitive 
PartialMatch = 1 allow for paRTIal match of line
PartialMatch = 2 allow for paRTIal match of line, but remove entire line (uses RegEx, new as of v3.4)

<a name="TF_RangeReplace"></a>

TF_RangeReplace(Text, SearchTextBegin, SearchTextEnd, ReplaceText = "", CaseSensitive = "False", KeepBegin = 0, KeepEnd = 0)

Note: Similar to "BK Replace EM" Range Replacement. It is basically an easier shortcut for a more complex RegExp.

KeepBegin = 0 Remove SearchTextBegin from file
KeepBegin = 1 Do not remove SearchTextBegin from file (saves you the trouble of putting it back in via ReplaceText)
KeepEnd = 0 Remove SearchTextEnd from file
KeepEnd = 1 Do not remove SearchTextEnd from file (saves you the trouble of putting it back in via ReplaceText)

SearchTextBegin = "" e.g. empty means from START of File *1
SearchTextEnd = "" e.g. empty means until END of File *1

*1 if you pass on empty strings to SearchTextBegin and SearchTextEnd the entire file will replaced with the replacement text. SearchTextBegin/End can be on the same line. Remember this LIB mainly operates on a line by line basis. This Function only operates on the FIRST SearchTextBegin to the FIRST SearchTextEnd it finds.

Range=[insert this`ntext for the`nrange replace Text`ntest function]
TF_RangeReplace("File.txt", "Create hotkeys for keyboard", "into an EXE file", Range)

<a name="TF_MakeFile"></a>

TF_MakeFile(Text, Lines = 1, Columns = 1, Fill = " ")

Sometimes you need an "empty" file before you can start adding line numbers or putting data into a file.

<a name="TF_Tab2Spaces"></a>

TF_Tab2Spaces(Text, TabStop = 4, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0)

TabStop = number of spaces to replace a TAB with, so 4 means a TAB will be replaced by 4 spaces

<a name="TF_Spaces2Tab"></a>

TF_Spaces2Tab(Text, TabStop = 4, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0)

TabStop = number of spaces to replace with a TAB, so 4 means 4 spaces will be replaced by a TAB

<a name="TF_Sort"></a>

TF_Sort(Text, SortOptions = "", StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0)

SortOptions: use the SORT options http://ahkscript.org/docs/commands/Sort.htm

Note: StartLine can not have multiple sections, increments or multiple lines in this case. When dealing with variables/strings instead of text files the native AHK Sort command is of course more useful.

<a name="TF_Join"></a>

TF_Join(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, SmartJoin = 0, Char = 0)

SmartJoin: Detect if CHAR(s) is/are already present at the end of the line before joining the next, this to prevent unnecessary double spaces for example.
Char: character(s) to use between new lines, defaults to a space. To use nothing use ""

Note: StartLine can not use increments. It can have multiple sections.

<a name="TF_Save"></a>

TF_Save(Text, FileName, OverWrite = 1)

OverWrite = 0 create filename_copy.ext if filename.ext exists
OverWrite = 1 will overwrite filename.ext if filename.ext exists (default)

TF Lib Errors

  1. Error when using the ! prefix.
    The correct syntax is "!file.txt". If you do this !"file.txt" (the ! is not within the quotes it will not be able to read a file)
  2. If you pass on a single zero as text TF_TrimLeft("0",1,1,3) and there is no file with that name "0" it will shown an error. More as one zero as "text" is OK.


History v3.8, 11 December 2020

History v3.7, 16 April 2017

History v3.6, 25 December 2014

History v3.5, 2 August 2014

History v3.4, 30 October 2010 - UNRELEASED at the time

History v3.3, 16 April 2010

History v3.2, 20 February 2010

History v3.1, 09 December 2009

History v3.0, 27 November 2009

Complete overhaul of library, now accepts files & variables for input and output:

History v2.5 fix, 01 November 2009

History v2.4a fix, 10 August 2009:

History v2.4 update, 06 August 2009:

History v2.3b update, 03 August 2009:

History v2.3a update/bugfix (29 July 2009, HugoV, ribbet.1, Murp|e)


History v2.3 (28 July 2009)

Also thanks to Murp|e for pointing out some errors in the documentation (TF_COL* functions).

History v2.2 (10 July 2009)

History v2.1

History v2.0 (Overhaul by HugoV using TXT lib as starting point)

History prior 2.0 - TXT library (Heresy, HugoV)


This library is based on the Library for Text file manipulation started by Heresy. I have contributed a number of functions to that library, but that version also has some "bugs" which are hopefully resolved in this TF library.

Thanks to: Heresy, SKAN! (countlines, setwidth, spaces), Olegbl, (suggestion for find*), infogulch (suggestion for tab <-> spaces), Murp|e (suggestions for documentation, check if file exists), ribbet.1 (New features in TF_LineNumber), Tuncay (help with TF() and borrowed ideas for TAIL).