


Random value generator according to customized histograms created by Jaime Nieves (www.jaimenieves.es)


Histogrand allows to generate random data sets from a probability distribution easily configurable by the user.

The application will generate a CSV with a set of values that will always be between the maximum and minimum values defined by the user.

The statistical distribution of the set will fit the pattern of 19 weights indicated by the vertical bars. The bars can be modified by simply clicking on them, or the buttons at the top can be used to load some standard distributions or change them randomly.

Each bar represents a relative statistical weight; a bar twice as high as another will generate twice as many values in its corresponding interval.

The randomness factor adds an additional random variation to the generated data. The default value is 20, which means that the generated values can be up to 20% higher or lower than what corresponds to their range.
