

Lorenz attractor on Golem network

gif animation
The Lorenz Equations are a system of three coupled, first-order, nonlinear differential equations which describe the trajectory of a particle through time. The system was originally derived by Lorenz as a model of atmospheric convection, but the deceptive simplicity of the equations have made them an often-used example in fields beyond atmospheric physics [1].

Tutorial (Youtube)

Lorenz attractor on Golem network


Install yagna

$ sh curl -sSf https://join.golem.network/as-requestor | bash -

Install ffmpeg (required for converting png files to gif animation)

$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Install python requirements

$ # Using python3.6+
$ source ~/your/virtual/env
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Build using docker

$ docker build -t golem-lorenza:latest

Build/push Golem vm

$ gvmkit-build golem-lorenz:latest
$ gvmkit-build golem-lorenz:latest --push

Run yagna daemon

$ yagna service run

Run Lorenz attractor on Golem!

$ yagna app-key create requestor
$ yagna payment init -r
$ export YAGNA_APPKEY=<your-key>
$ python main.py
usage: main.py [-h] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--time_delta TIME_DELTA] [--duration DURATION] [--num_trajectories NUM_TRAJECTORIES]

Lorenz attractor simulation on Golem network

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory
  --time_delta TIME_DELTA, -l TIME_DELTA
                        Time delta for changes
  --duration DURATION, -d DURATION
                        Duration (seconds)
                        Number of trajectories

Watch full steps on Youtube!


[1] https://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2013/02/16/animating-the-lorentz-system-in-3d.