


This repository contains software for net-SNE, a neural netork-based visualization tool developed for single cell RNA sequencing datasets.


"Generalizable and Scalable Visualization of Single-Cell Data Using Neural Networks"
Hyunghoon Cho, Bonnie Berger, and Jian Peng
Cell Systems, 2018

  1. Update platform-specific settings in Makefile. Parameters to update/confirm are:

    • CXX: C++ compiler
    • BOOSTROOT, BOOSTLIB: Boost library paths (base directory for the package and library directory containing linkable .a/.so files, respectively)
    • ARMAINC,ARMALIB: Armadillo library paths (directory containing header files and directory with linkable .a/.so files, respectively); only needed if Armadillo is installed in a non-standard location, in which case ARMALIB should also be included in the system's search path for shared libraries (e.g., LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux) before running net-SNE.
  2. Inside the net-SNE directory, run make. This will create the executables RunNetsne, RunBhtsne, and ComputeP in a subdirectory named bin.

Example Runs

We provide three example MATLAB scripts for different use cases of net-SNE: example_run_basic.m, example_run_crossdataset.m, and example_run_millioncell.m. See the comments in each script for more information. The following is a step-by-step description of example_run_basic.m, which serves a good starting point:

  1. Prepare dataset. In example_data directory we provide an example single-cell RNA-seq dataset from Pollen et al., Nature Biotechnology, 2014. The data file pollen.txt contains a matrix in space-delimited text format, where each row is a gene (or a unique molecule) and each column is a sample (i.e., a cell). Each element represents a measure of expression (e.g., normalized read counts). Known subtypes of the cells are provided in pollen_labels.txt.

  2. Preprocess. We provide a MATLAB script prepare_input.m for (optionally) performing dimensionality reduction via principal component analysis and saving the data in binary format for subsequent steps. In MATLAB, run:
    X = dlmread('example_data/pollen.txt');
    prepare_input(X', 'example_data/pollen_X.dat', 50, 1, 'example_data/pollen_pca.mat')
    This will save the processed data with respect to top 50 principal components to example_data/pollen_X.dat. See the comments in prepare_input.m for more information about the arguments.

  3. Compute input similarities. Like t-SNE, net-SNE learns the embedding by placing cells closer to each other in the visualization if they are more similar in the input data. Using bin/ComputeP, which invokes a subroutine from the original t-SNE implementation, we can construct a k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) graph approximation of the input similarity matrix (denoted P in t-SNE). In the command-line terminal, run:
    bin/ComputeP --input-file example_data/pollen_X.dat --output-file example_data/pollen_P.dat
    This saves the input similarity matrix to example_data/pollen_P.dat. To see the list of supported arguments, run bin/ComputeP --help.

  4. Run net-SNE (or t-SNE). In the command-line terminal, run:
    bin/RunNetsne --input-P example_data/pollen_P.dat --input-X example_data/pollen_X.dat --out-dir example_data/netsne --no-sgd
    This outputs the final model and the embedding in the example_data/netsne directory. The embedding file Y_final.txt is in the Armadillo text file format, which contains two lines of header followed by a matrix. Note the flag --no-sgd makes net-SNE use batch gradient descent as the example dataset is relatively small. To see the list of supported parameters, run bin/RunNetsne --help. To run t-SNE for comparison, run the following:
    bin/RunBhtsne --input-P example_data/pollen_P.dat --out-dir example_data/bhtsne

  5. Plot visualization. The following MATLAB code visualizes the final embeddings and color the points according to the known cluster labels in pollen_labels.txt:
    Y = dlmread('example_data/netsne/Y_final.txt', '', 2, 0);
    labels = dlmread('example_data/pollen_labels.txt');
    scatter(Y(:,1), Y(:,2), 10, labels, 'filled')


Our software is based on the implementation of Barnes-Hut t-SNE developed by Laurens van der Maaten at Delft University of Technology, available at: https://github.com/lvdmaaten/bhtsne.

We are working on releasing wrappers in other programming languages (e.g. Python). If you would like an update when these become available, feel free to drop us a note at the email address below.

[2018/8/7] R wrapper is available at https://github.com/schwikowskilab/rNetSNE. Developed by Pierre Bost and Florian Specque.

Contact for Questions

Hoon Cho, hhcho@mit.edu