High-performance 3D engine for Adobe Flash & AIR (GPU based)
Display Objects
The zen.display
namespace contains visual objects that can be added to a Zen3D instance.
Zen3D - A 3D scene and viewport, that contains all the 3D objects to be displayed. Similar to the Stage in 2D graphics.
ZenStereo3D - An extension to the Zen3D class that renders two views of the same scene for stereo rendering.
Basic objects
ZenObject - The base class for all 3D display objects. Supports transformation (position, rotation, scaling), materials, animation and mouse dragging.
ZenCamera - A 3D camera that supports perspective and orthogonal views. Link this to a Zen3D instance to modify its viewport according to the camera position/rotation. You can create multiple cameras but only one can be active at a time.
ZenLight - A 3D directional or point light that supports various lighting configurations. Only objects whose materials have a LightFilter will respond to lighting.
Mesh objects
ZenMesh - A 3D mesh object that holds the geometry and material used to render it.
ZenFace - A face that holds a number of triangles of a given 3D mesh (ZenMesh). For performance optimization, you can create a single face for all the tris in a mesh.
Graphics objects
ZenSpline - A 3D B-Spline that renders multiple Spline3D objects in 3D space.
ZenCanvas - A 3D canvas that supports moveTo/lineTo API similar to the Graphics class. All elements are internally rendered with 3D lines, since curves are not supported by the GPU.
ZenPrimitives - A static class that provides methods to create various types of 3D primitives.
Other objects
ZenParticles - A 3D particle manager that automatically creates 3D particles based on its configuration.
ZenReflector - A 3D plane that renders the reflection of nearby objects.
ZenShadowLight - A 3D shadow projector that renders shadows behind objects it is pointed towards. Must be added to a Zen3D instance to take effect.
ZenBatchRenderer - Used to efficiently render multiple faces by batching them in a single draw-call
ZenSkyBox - A 3D skybox that renders a six-sided cube to display a skybox texture on.
The zen.physics
namespace contains a rigid-body physics engine.
- ZenPhysics - The main physics manager that handles rigid-body dynamics for a given Zen3D instance.
The zen.animation
namespace contains animation managers for meshes (ZenMesh).
ZenSkinModifier - Animates a 3D mesh using skin transform to support kinematics.
ZenVertexModifier - Animates a single 3D vertex of a mesh using linear interpolation.
The zen.input
helps you handle mouse and keyboard events.
KeyCodes - Provides constants for detecting specific key codes.
ZenInput - Handles keyboard and mouse events.
MouseEvent3D - Fired when the user interacts with a 3D object with the mouse/touchscreen.
The zen.materials
namespace contains texture and material objects used by meshes.
ZenMaterial - A complete material that can be applied to a ZenMesh. Contains multiple filters that configure the material's rendering.
ZenTexture - A single texture bitmap used for texture mapping and for various masks/maps. Added to a ZenMaterial using filters (see below).
The zen.filters.color
namespace contains color and texture related filters that can be added to a ZenMaterial.
ColorFilter - A material filter that tints the face by the given color.
ColorMatrixFilter3D - A material filter that modifies the face by the given color matrix.
ColorTransformFilter - A material filter that modifies the face by the given color transform object.
FogFilter - A material filter that creates a fog effect.
LightFilter - A material filter that responds to scene lighting.
SpecularFilter - A material filter that responds to scene lighting supporting specular lighting.
NullFilter - A material filter that changes the tint by a given color .
SelfColorFilter - A material filter that tints the face by the given color.
VertexColorFilter - A material filter that changes the vertex color.
The zen.filters.maps
namespace contains texture map and map-related filters that can be added to a ZenMaterial.
AlphaMaskFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap as an alpha mask.
CubeMapFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap as a cube map.
EnvironmentMapFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap for environment mapping.
LightMapFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap to respond to scene lighting.
NormalMapFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap to specify normals, which adds fine details to a rough mesh.
PlanarMapFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap to specify a planar map.
ReflectionMapFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap to specify reflection.
SpecularMapFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap to specify a specular map.
TextureMapFilter - A material filter that displays a bitmap as the texture.
TextureMaskFilter - A material filter that uses a bitmap to specify which portions of the texture are visible.
The zen.filters.transform
namespace contains transform-related filters that can be added to a ZenMaterial.
FlipNormalsFilter - A material filter that flips all vertex/face normals.
SkinTransformFilter - A material filter that responds to skin transform.
TransformFilter - A material filter that responds to transform.
The zen.geom
namespace contains geometry objects used throughout the library.
M3D - Primitive geometric calculations for 3D matrices.
V3D - Primitive geometric calculations for 3D vectors and points.
Cube3D - An axis-aligned 3D cube that storeds information of object bounds & dimensions.
Frame3D - A matrix that stores information about a certain object's transform (or frame).
Intersection3D - A single 3D intersection between two objects.
Spline3D - A 3D B-spline consisting of multiple knots (SplineKnot3D).
SplineKnot3D - A knot on a 3D spline (Spline3D).
The zen.geom.intersects
namespace contains calculators for various types of 3D intersections.
MouseIntersect - Calculates intersection of 3D objects and the mouse, or any 2D point.
RayIntersect - Calculates intersection of 3D objects and a 3D ray.
SphereIntersect - Calculates intersection of 3D objects and a 3D sphere.