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Domainerator was my first Go application. It combines two wordlists (prefixes and suffixes) and a list of TLDs to form domain names and check their DNS status. It outputs a file with each combined domain name and the respective DNS status.


Not a long one, but...

I've developed it after getting tired of trying to find some good domain names available to be registered. In the beginning it was a slow Ruby script that still can be found as a rubygem with the same name, and now I've ported it to Go and made a lot of improvements in the method used to check for availability and speed.


I was able to run a check with 2,288 domains in about 13 seconds using 100 goroutines in a MacBook Pro Late 2008!


To install domainerator you need:

  1. Install Go
  2. Setup environment vars for Go
  3. Run sudo go get github.com/hgfischer/domainerator


To update domainerator you need:

  1. Run sudo go get -u github.com/hgfischer/domainerator