

Scene Parsing with Global Context Embedding

This repo is the caffe implementation of the following paper:

Scene Parsing with Global Context Embedding <br/> Wei-Chih Hung, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Xin Lu, and Ming-Hsuan Yang. In ICCV, 2017.

Please cite our paper if you find it useful for your research.

  title={Scene Parsing With Global Context Embedding},
  author={Hung, Wei-Chih and Tsai, Yi-Hsuan and Shen, Xiaohui and Lin, Zhe and Sunkavalli, Kalyan and Lu, Xin and Yang, Ming-Hsuan},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},


Test on ADE20k validation set

The directories should be like this:

bash get_model.sh
bash get_prior.sh
python eval.py --prototxt prototxt/ade20k_val.prototxt \
               --model models/ade20k_full.caffemodel \
               --save-dir results/ade20k/val/ \
               --gpu 0

The result images will be saved at results/ade20k/val/.