

Syscall tables

Combined Windows syscall tables


Ntoskrnl service tables

** located in Compiled\Composition\X86_64\ntos

NT6 (Windows Vista/7/8/8.1) + bonus NT5.2 (Windows XP x64)

View online https://hfiref0x.github.io/X86_64/NT6_syscalls.html

NT10 (Windows 10/11)

View online https://hfiref0x.github.io/X86_64/NT10_syscalls.html

Win32k service tables

** located in Compiled\Composition\X86_64\win32k

NT6 (Windows Vista/7/8/8.1)

View online https://hfiref0x.github.io/X86_64/NT6_w32ksyscalls.html

NT10 (Windows 10/11)

View online https://hfiref0x.github.io/X86_64/NT10_w32ksyscalls.html

IUM service tables

** located in Compiled\Composition\X86_64\ium

NT10 (Windows 10/11) View online https://hfiref0x.github.io/X86_64/NT10_iumsyscalls.html


Ntoskrnl service tables

** located in Compiled\Composition\ARM64\ntos

NT10 (Windows 10/11)

View online https://hfiref0x.github.io/ARM64/syscalls.html

Win32k service tables

** located in Compiled\Composition\ARM64\win32k

NT10 (Windows 10/11)

View online https://hfiref0x.github.io/ARM64/w32ksyscalls.html


  1. Dump syscall table list (using scg for ntoskrnl or wscg64 for win32k), see run examples for more info.

  2. [Tables] <- put syscall list text file named as build number inside directory (ntos subdirectory for ntoskrnl.exe tables, win32k subdirectory for win32k.sys tables);

  3. sstc.exe <- run composer with key -h to generate html output file, else output file will be saved in markdown table format. Specify -w as second param if you want to generate win32k combined syscall table. By default sstc will read files from "Tables" (without quotes) directory and compose output table. Specify -d "DirectoryName" (without quotes) if you want to generate table from different directory, in any case sstc will expect ntos and/or win32k subfolders are present inside target directory.

Run Examples:

3rd party code usage

Uses Zydis x86/x86-64 disassembler and code generation library (https://github.com/zyantific/zydis)


Composer source code written in C#. In order to build from source you need Microsoft Visual Studio version 2022 and higher and .NET Framework version 4.5 and higher. Both scg and wscg source code written in C. In order to build from source you need Microsoft Visual Studio version 2022 with SDK 19041 or higher installed.


Original scg (c) 2011 gr8