This library was originally written to add CSS3 selector and style support to ActionScript 3 projects. It is no longer maintained, though the selector engine and style matching are tested and very functional.
The documentation below is what was available on Google Code when the project went cold.
The CSS context object is used to configure the CSS engine by defining
the main object factory (ICSSFactory
), CSS property definitions (IPropertyManager
and object-CSS views (ICSSView
). Every CSS instance requires a context object.
is the base implementation of ICSSContext
and is the leanest configuration.
is an implementation of ICSSContext
that contains the property and shorthand
managers specific to CSS3 (background, border, font, etc.).
The CSS context can be defined in one of two ways:
import com.newgonzo.web.css.*:
// set it once for all future CSS instances
CSS.defaultContext = new CSS3Context();
var mycss:CSS = new CSS("p {color: #F00;}");
// set it on a per-insace basis (or override the default)
var mycss:CSS = new CSS("p {color: #F00;}", new CSS3Context());
A CSS view (ICSSView
) is an object that acts as a bridge between your stylable data (XML, display list, etc.) and the CSS engine.
Everything that the CSS engine needs to know about your data it gets from the view.
When the CSS engine attempts to style a node, it first gets a view for that node from the CSS context object. For example, if we're trying to
get styles for some XML node, the CSS context will return an instance of XMLCSSView
. Views exist for XML, DisplayObjects, and arbitrary object hierarchies.