

autogold - automatically update your Go tests <a href="https://hexops.com"><img align="right" alt="Hexops logo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hexops/media/master/readme.svg"></img></a>

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autogold makes go test -update automatically update your Go tests (golden files and Go values in e.g. foo_test.go).

~5m introduction available on YouTube:

"It's 2021: you shouldn't have to update Go tests manually"


go get -u github.com/hexops/autogold/v2

Automatic golden files

Write in a Go test:

import "github.com/hexops/autogold/v2"
autogold.ExpectFile(t, got)

go test -update will now create/update a testdata/<test name>.golden file for you automatically. If your tests change over time you can use go test -update -clean to also have it remove unused golden files.

Automatic inline test updating

In a Go test, simply call autogold.Expect(want).Equal(t, got), passing nil as the value you want initially:

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
	autogold.Expect(nil).Equal(t, got)

Run go test -update and autogold will automatically update the autogold.Expect(want) Go syntax with the actual value your test got. It works with complex Go structs, slices, strings, etc.


Anytime your test produces a result that is unexpected, you'll get a nice diff showing exactly what changed. It does this by converting values at runtime directly to a formatted Go AST, and using the same diffing library the Go language server uses:

--- FAIL: TestFoo (0.08s)
    autogold.go:91: mismatch (-want +got):
        --- want
        +++ got
        @@ -1 +1 @@
        +&example.Baz{Name: "Jane", Age: 31}


Table-driven Go subtests are supported nicely as you can call .Equal(got) later, so that go test -update will update your table-driven test values defined earlier for you:

func TestTime(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		gmt    string
		loc    string
		expect autogold.Value // autogold: the value we expect
		{"12:31", "Europe/Zuri", autogold.Expect(nil)},
		{"12:31", "America/New_York", autogold.Expect(nil)},
		{"08:08", "Australia/Sydney", autogold.Expect(nil)},
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		t.Run(tc.loc, func(t *testing.T) {
			loc, err := time.LoadLocation(tc.loc)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatal("could not load location")
			gmt, _ := time.Parse("15:04", tc.gmt)
			got := gmt.In(loc).Format("15:04")

			tc.expect.Equal(t, got) // autogold: tell it the value our test produced

It works by finding the relevant autogold.Expect(want) call for you based on callstack information / matching line number in the file, and then rewrites the nil parameter (or any other value that was there.)

What are golden files, when should they be used?

Golden files are used by the Go authors for testing the standard library, the gofmt tool, etc. and are a common pattern in the Go community for snapshot testing. See also "Testing with golden files in Go" - Chris Reeves

Golden files make the most sense when you'd otherwise have to write a complex multi-line string or large Go structure inline in your test, making it hard to read.

In most cases, you should prefer inline snapshots, subtest golden values, or traditional Go tests.

Command line syntax: put -update at the end

-update should go at the end of your go test command, otherwise for some reason stdout will be considered a terminal and color will be turned on for libraries like fatih/color. Example:

go test -count=1 -run TestSomething . -update

Custom formatting

valast is used to produce Go syntax at runtime for the Go value you provide. If the default output is not to your liking, you have options:

Backwards compatibility

Alternatives comparison

The following are alternatives to autogold, making note of the differences we found that let us to create autogold:



Updated to valast v1.4.4:



Added support for building in Bazel / working around a bug in Bazel / Go's packages.Load functionality. This feature can be enabled using ENABLE_BAZEL_PACKAGES_LOAD_HACK=true. For more details see #40 and golang/go#57304


Fixed an issue where updating inline tests could cause a deadlock.


Writing a unique name with inline tests is no longer required. Previously you must write a unique name as the first parameter to Want and it must have been inside a TestFoo function for autogold to find it:

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
	autogold.Want("unique name inside TestFoo", want).Equal(t, nil)

This can be rewritten as autogold.Expect(want).Equal(t, got) and no unique name is required, the function call can be placed anywhere inside your Go test file as autogold will now update the invocation based on callstack information:

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
	autogold.Expect(want).Equal(t, nil)

Additionally, CLI flag behavior has been improved substantially based on experience working in very large enterprise Go codebases:

Finally, please note the renaming of functions before and after:

Automating the migration with Comby

You can automatically migrate from v1 to v2 using the following Comby configuration:

<details> <summary>autogold.comby.toml</summary>
# autogold.comby.toml



match="autogold.Want(:[desc], :[v])"



Assuming Comby is available on your system, you can run the following command to apply the changes:

$ go get -u github.com/hexops/autogold/v2
$ comby -config autogold.comby.toml -matcher .go -exclude-dir vendor,node_modules -in-place
$ go mod tidy
$ git diff # show the changes applied by comby
