

Gradle Starter Application

This is a Hexagon service created from a template.

Software Requirements

To build the application you will need:

To run the application:


The reports are located in the build/reports directory after building the project.

Gradle Wrapper Setup

You can change the Gradle version in gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties.


To generate the Docker images, you can use the dockerBuild Gradle task: ./gradlew dockerBuild. After that you can start the whole service stack executing: docker-compose up -d.


After building the project (./gradlew build), archives with the application's distributions are stored in build/distributions.

To install the application you just need to unpack one distribution file.

After installing the application, you can run the application executing the bin/gradle_starter script.

Once the application is running, you can send a request executing: curl http://localhost:9090/text

Native Image

./gradlew -P agent test
./gradlew nativeCompile

# Executable

# Memory
ps -o rss -C gradle_starter
./gradlew -D pgoInstrument nativeCompile
http :9090/text
./gradlew -D pgo nativeCompile