

Deploy Heroku apps from pipelines using Terraform

Heroku Pipelines provide a continuous delivery workflow for Heroku apps, supporting Review Apps, CI testing, and automated deployment.

When used in conjunction with Terraform, Pipelines act as the build system, generating slugs to be released by a Terraform config. The apps in the pipeline do not serve live production traffic. Instead, the apps provisioned by Terraform are the production system.

A single Terraform config embodies the production system, enabling high-level collaboration, repeatability, test-ability, and change management.

Diagram: Develop microservices with Heroku Flow and deploy them with Terraform

Primary components

Challenges & Caveats



Ensure the requirements are met, then,

  1. Clone this repo:

    git clone git@github.com:heroku-examples/terraform-heroku-pipeline-slugs.git
    cd terraform-heroku-pipeline-slugs/
  2. Set Heroku API key

    1. heroku authorizations:create -d terraform-heroku-pipeline-slugs
    2. export HEROKU_API_KEY=<"Token" value from the authorization>
  3. terraform init

  4. Set Heroku Pipeline IDs from which to capture the slugs

    • For each desired pipeline, set its UUID (from its Heroku Dashboard URL) into an environment variable, and then source the pipeline-slug-ids script to capture the current slug IDs, like this:

      export BUILD_PIPELINE_API=2f557b76-d685-452a-8651-9a6295a2a032
      export BUILD_PIPELINE_WEB_UI=26a3ecbf-8188-43ae-b0fe-be2d9e9fe26f
      source bin/pipeline-slug-ids

      ⚠️ These values must be refreshed for each new deployment.

  5. Then, apply the config with your own top-level config values:

    terraform apply


To adapt this pattern to your own project, the BUILD_PIPELINE_* names must match what the Terraform config expects for each heroku_app_release resource's slug ID.

For example, the value of BUILD_PIPELINE_API provides the variable var.api_slug_production in:

resource "heroku_app_release" "api_production" {
  app     = "${heroku_app.api_production.name}"
  slug_id = "${var.api_slug_production}"

…and the value of BUILD_PIPELINE_WEB_UI provides the variable var.web_ui_slug_production in:

resource "heroku_app_release" "web_ui_production" {
  app     = "${heroku_app.web_ui_production.name}"
  slug_id = "${var.web_ui_slug_production}"

🔬 This is a community proof-of-concept, MIT license, provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.