

Kutoa - Rebuilding Hope


Connect potential donators and displaced refugees needing assistance:

![screenshot volt awesome ui](https://github.com/heri/volt-awesome/blob/master/screenshot.png?raw=true =250x)

Project description


Kutoa gives back hope and purpose to refugees.

With the support of a local sponsor, a refugee can show needs and goals. Donators can give $10/mo to help achieve this goal. An optional amount can be given for Kutoa administration fees.

Currently, Kutoa supports 3 kinds of goals: employment, education, employment.

Kutoa encourages refugees and sponsors to post a specific project, with a goal, a beginning date and end date.


Every application goes through due diligence, when possible:

  1. Is there a local sponsor? The local sponsor has an existing relationship with the refugee, and can support to achieve goal(s). The sponsor will also have the responsability to give the money
  2. Is the person a real refugee? Currently Kutoa only supports political refugees. Kutoa reviews refugee passport, U.N.H.C.R. file, local N.G.Os files, when possible
  3. Is the person a good member of the community? Kutoa looks for peer & local reviews, as well as other elements such as pictures and videos demonstrating this

Case Updates

Strong & regular updates by the refugee can demonstrate trust.

Updates can be messages to donators and the community, sharing life challenges or successes, or education & employment advancement. Donators are notified in real-time of updates

After the first donation, Kutoa requires bi-weekly case updates from the refugee to get the remaining donations.


Based on discussions with Felipe Coimbra who travelled in the Balkans and saw the plight of refugees

Thanks to Mohamed Alborno for his support and feedback saturday night. Palestinian refugee, Mohamed does not have a country. Kutoa can give purpose to Palestinian and Syrian refugees.

Thanks to Aimable Dusingizimana for his words. While Kutoa cannot solve the roots of the crisis, it would have helped Rwandan refugees like Aimable who fled the genocide.


V0.1 - Masterscard hackathon


The application is coded with Volt. Docs at http://docs.voltframework.com

