

Clojars Project

Tests build


A Clojurescript library that provides the jsr-310 (java.time) api.

Since v0.1.16 this requires Clojurescript version 1.10.741 or higher

Underneath this lib is a pure JS implementation of java.time. This library just aims to make that library usable from Clojurescript:

Related Libraries

cljc.java-time offers a one for one mapping of the classes and methods from java.time into a Clojure(Script) library

Using that library is tick, an intuitive Clojure(Script) library for dealing with time, intended as a replacement for clj-time.

time-literals is a Clojure(Script) library which provides tagged literals for objects from jsr-310 domain and depends on this library

my talk at Clojure/North 2019 provides some background


get it from Clojars

If using cljsjs, add js-joda to your dependencies as well

(require '[java.time :refer [LocalDate]])

(.parse LocalDate "2020-01-01")


At least one Shadow build (node-test) needs to be manually provided with externs, ie

:compiler-options {:externs ["cljsjs/js-joda/common/js-joda-dup.ext.js"]}

Shadow browser build and regular node build do not need any additional opts.

Cross Platform (.cljc) Example

(ns foo
    #?(:cljs [java.time :refer [LocalDate]])
    [cljs.java-time.interop :as t.i])
   #?(:clj (:import [java.time LocalDate])))
  (. LocalDate parse "2020-12-01")
  ;=> #time/date"2020-12-01"
    (. LocalDate parse "2020-12-01")
    (. LocalDate parse "2020-12-01"))
  ; => true  
  ; call a getter method
  (let [l (. LocalDate parse "2020-12-01")]
    (t.i/getter dayOfMonth l))

Getter Methods

Unfortunately, all java.time getter methods have had the 'get' part of their name removed in the underlying js lib. So instead of 'getNano' method, you have 'nano'. As a workaround, to write cross platform code that calls any getter methods on java.time objects, use the cljs.java-time.interop/getter macro

NPM Dependency

The npm library that provides the jsr-310 api is provided via a foreign-lib. Whilst this is handy if you don't already have an npm build step, if you do want to depend directly on the js-joda npm lib you can do so. For more info see the tick docs on setup for use with ClojureScript


Copyright © 2019 Widd Industries

Distributed under the MIT License