


I'm glad to announce that all the work in this fork was eventually merged back upstream. It's now available at https://github.com/impress/impress.js as of release 1.0.0-beta1. There will be no more commits to this fork.



It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.


impress.js may not help you if you have nothing interesting to say ;)


Checking out and initializing the git repository

git clone --recursive https://github.com/henrikingo/impress.js.git
cd impress.js

Note: For a minimal checkout, omit the --recursive option. This will leave out extra plugins.


Reference documentation of all impress.js features and API you can find it in DOCUMENTATION.md.

The HTML source code of the official impress.js demo serves as a good example usage and contains comments explaning various features of impress.js. For more information about styling you can look into CSS code which shows how classes provided by impress.js can be used. Last but not least JavaScript code of impress.js has some useful comments if you are interested in how everything works. Feel free to explore!

Official demo

impress.js demo by @bartaz

Examples and demos

The Classic Slides demo is targeted towards beginners, or can be used as a template for presentations that look like the traditional PowerPoint slide deck. Over time, it also grew into the example presentation that uses most of the features and addons available.

More examples and demos can be found on Examples and demos wiki page.

Feel free to add your own example presentations (or websites) there.

Other tutorials and learning resources

If you want to learn even more there is a list of tutorials and other learning resources on the wiki, too.

There is also a book available about Building impressive presentations with impress.js by Rakhitha Nimesh Ratnayake.

You may want to check out the sibling project [Impressionist|https://github.com/henrikingo/impressionist]: a 3D GUI editor that can help you in creating impress.js presentations.

Mailing list

You're welcome to ask impress.js related questions on the impressionist-presentations mailing list.



For developers, once you've made changes to the code, you should run these commands for testing:

npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint

Note that running firefox qunit_test_runner.html is usually more informative than running karma with npm run test. They both run the same tests.

More info about the src/ directory can be found in src/plugins/README.md.

Upstream impress.js has its own bureacracy around contributing. I welcome pull requests against this fork as well, just submit a PR on github and I'll be happy to look at it :-)

Note that if, for example, you want to add a new plugin, you should do it against this fork, since upstream impress.js doesn't have a plugin API yet. Hopefully one day the progress from this fork will trickle back to upstream repository.


impress.js name is courtesy of @skuzniak.

It's an (un)fortunate coincidence that a Open/LibreOffice presentation tool is called Impress ;)

Reference API

See the Reference API


The design goal for impress.js has been to showcase awesome CSS3 features as found in modern browser versions. We also use some new DOM functionality, and specifically do not use jQuery or any other JavaScript libraries, nor our own functions, to support older browsers. In general, recent versions of Firefox and Chrome are known to work well. IE works, except there are known issues with its CSS 3D implementation, so advanced presentations won't.

The typical use case for impress.js is to create presentations that you present from your own laptop, with a browser version you know works well. Some people also use impress.js successfully to embed animations or presentations in a web page, however, be aware that in this some of your visitors may not see the presentation correctly, or at all.

In particular, impress.js makes use of the following JS and CSS features:


Copyright 2011-2016 Bartek Szopka Copyright 2015-2017 Henrik Ingo

Released under the MIT License