


build version licence python

A custom CLI tool to process jupyter notebooks, markdown files and HTML files. Write your blog in markdown or jupyter notebooks and then transform into a blog post with mathjax, code support, google analytics, navigation, Disqus support.

See a sample blog made by blogger-cli: Here


It is easy to get your hands on, works flawlessly and won't get bulky and slow over time. Blogger-cli has a simple conversion system that is fast as well as extremely customizable.


💻 Installation

Recommended Method

$ curl -sSL https://hemanta212.github.io/blogger-cli/get_blogger.py | python

Since blogger has a lot of dependencies (nbconvert, jupyter), this custom installer will install them in a virtual environment and add it to your path for global access.

Using pip

pip install blogger-cli

If you mainly use jupyter notebooks, then you already have all the required dependencies although it is recommended to use virtual environments.

🚀 Getting Started

Make a website repository and clone it to your computer. Now register your blog name with blogger $ blogger addblog <blogname> and set up the necessary configs. Now, If you have a new site or an empty site. You can get blogger default design and boilerplate.

$ blogger export blog_layout -b <blogname>

Now, all assets will be moved to the blog_dir you specified in the blog config during setup.

$ blogger serve <blogname>

Open the URL http://localhost:8000/ in your browser to view your blog!!

📖 Documentation

View docs in: website


👤 Hemanta Sharma

Special Thanks

👤 Nipun Batra : Inspiration for core conversion mechanism and design resources.

Show your support

Please ⭐️ this repository if this project helped you!

📝 License

Copyright © 2019 Hemanta Sharma.<br /> This project is MIT licensed.