

Helpy: A Modern Helpdesk Platform

Helpy is a modern help desk platform written in Ruby on Rails and released under the MIT license. The goal of Helpy is to power your support email and ticketing, integrate seamlessly with your app, and run an amazing customer helpcenter.

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Sponsor/Support Helpy

Helpy is licensed under the MIT license, and is an open-core project. This means that the core functionality is 100% open source and fully hackable or even re-sellable under the MIT license. See the features comparison below to understand what is included.

Helpy is a large system and cannot exist purely as a hobby project. If you use it in a money generating capacity, it makes good sense to support the project financially or by becoming an official sponsor or supporter.


Open Source Features

Helpy is an integrated support solution- combining and leveraging synergies between support ticketing, Knowledgebase and a public community. Each feature is optional however, and can be easily disabled.

Pro Version

We also offer a pro version with additional features designed to make your helpcenter even more awesome. This is available as either a turn-key SaaS or AWS/Azure marketplace product. Both spin up in seconds. Proceeds go directly towards supporting the continued development of the project. Some of the things found in the pro version:

Getting Started:

Helpy Pro - 30 Second one-click install via DigitalOcean

You can launch the free tier of Helpy Pro using the DigitalOcean Marketplace. This "one click" marketplace image spins up a dedicated VM within 30 seconds, running Ubuntu. Launch DigitalOcean Marketplace Image. Use of all features requires either a trial or paid license code, available here: Helpy License Center

Install Helpy via Docker

Docker is the recommended way to quickly test or run Helpy in production.

  1. Install Docker and docker-compose
  2. Create config file from template cp docker/.env.sample docker/.env and edit docker/.env to match your needs
  3. Edit docker/Caddyfile to include your URL or turn on SSL
  4. Build Helpy from local git checkout docker-compose build
  5. Run docker-compose up -d to start all of the services

Install Helpy on your Local System

Although not required, installing locally is highly recommended and will make it easier for you to customize things like settings, colors and logos to match your site identity. To begin, clone Helpy from the official repo to your local system:

git clone https://github.com/helpyio/helpy.git

Configure Basic Settings

There is a settings option in the admin panel to set up things like i18n, system names, colors, the embeddable widget, etc. There is a full guide to getting set up at: Configuring Your Helpy Settings

Support Multiple Languages (optional)

Helpy includes support for Multilingual help sites, and multi-language knowledgebase articles. This page explains how to enable Helpy's international capabilities and provides an overview of what functionality this adds to Helpy: How To Set Up A Multilingual Helpy Support Knowledgebase

Set up your Helpy to send and receive email (optional)

Helpy has the ability to receive email at your support email addresses and import the messages as tickets in the web interface. Whenever you or the user replies to the email thread, Helpy captures the discussion and sends out messages accordingly. Follow the tutorial on Setting Up Your Helpy Installation To Send And Receive Email to set this up.

Configure oAuth (optional)

Helpy supports Omniauth login capabilities. This means you can allow your support users to sign in with a single click via any Omniauth provider- ie. Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, or many others. Read Setting Up Oauth For Your Helpy to see how.

Live Demo

There is also a live demo with fake data available at http://demo.helpy.io Admin User: admin@test.com and password: 12345678


Helpy was designed to run on modern cloud providers, although it should work on any linux based system. There is a full guide to installing Helpy in the wiki: https://github.com/helpyio/helpy/wiki

Requirements are:

Helpy leverages two external services to help out:


Welcome, and thanks for contributing to Helpy. Together we are building the best customer support platform in the world. Here are some of the ways you can contribute:

General Guidelines:

Security Issues

If you have found a vulnerability or other security problem in Helpy, please do not open an issue on GitHub. Instead, contact [hello@helpy.io](mailto: hello@helpy.io) directly by email. See the SECURITY guide to learn more and see a hall of fame of security reporters.


Copyright 2016-2021, Helpy.io, LLC, Scott Miller and Contributors. Helpy Core is released under the MIT open source license. Please contribute back any enhancements you make. Also, I would appreciate if you kept the "powered by Helpy" blurb in the footer. This helps me keep track of how many are using Helpy.
