

hcnmp (Helen Cloud Native Management Platform)


1. Brief description

A simple, efficient, and reliable cloud-native management platform demo project for multiple Kubernetes clusters

2. Quick start

  1. kind creates a cluster
kind create cluster --name=multi-node
  1. Get the kubeconfig and paste it into .config/kube.config.
kubectl config view --raw
  1. Run

Run locally

go run ./main.go --kubeconfig .config/kube.config

Cluster deployment

kubectl apply -f sample/hcnmp.yaml
  1. Testing the interface

Import api documentation to apifox, configure apifox access interface

3. hcnmp Excellent mechanism

Multi-cluster client caching mechanism

After using POST /apis/cluster/v1/code/{clusterCode} to add a cluster for hcnmp, hcnmp will write the cluster data to a configmap internally, and then each hcnmp listens to the change event by watching this configmap, and then gets the configmap from the event. configmap, read the configmap data to generate clients into its own sync.Map, when the business interface needs to operate the cluster, get the corresponding cluster clients from sync.

This mechanism utilizes the list/watch mechanism of configmap to achieve cluster data consistency among multiple hcnmp replicas.