


Integrates your Tesla Model S/X fleet to https://slack.com

This piece of code serves as an example of how to a) integrate to Slack b) integrate to Tesla APIs. If you happen to have a fleet of shared Tesla vehicles, it will also provide information to the users of the vehicles' whereabouts.

"Slack integration screenshot"

Uses https://github.com/gutenye/tesla-api for Tesla portal integration.

I blogged about the integration at Reaktor's site: https://www.reaktor.com/blog/talking-tesla in 2014 (and an older version of this piece of software)


Node.js v12 from https://nodejs.org

The following ENV variables:

Testing locally

Start it

npm start

Fetch vehicle list:

curl --data "token=<insert-SLACK_RECEIVE_TOKEN-here>&text=!tesla" http://localhost:5000/slack

Fetch vehicle battery, speed and location information:

curl --data "token=<insert-SLACK_RECEIVE_TOKEN-here>&text=!tesla <insert-vehicle-name-name>" http://localhost:5000/slack

Works nicely when deployed to Heroku Does not necessarily work (connections timeout) in Heroku since September 2020 - maybe Tesla blocked their outgoing gateway IPs ?

Point the outoing Slack webhook configuration to /slack on your Node.js instance.