

Structuring your web apps with Backbone.js

This training kit has been developed for those who

This training kit will teach you the basics of Backbone.js and introduction to advanced part;

Prerequisites arranged as per the priority

If you are already know & understand Backbone.js and want to learn Backbone.js Marionette framework then its strongly recommended to skip this training kit and jump to understand the basic to advanced of Backbone.js Marionette from the repository "Learning Backbone Marionette"

Training kit includes below session

How to use training kit examples

Clone the repository and start running the examples in your browser and browse the codes with ready commits or you can also experiment with the code online which is powered by JSFiddle.

Download this repository OR Experiment online

Recommended text editor

You can used any text editor which ever you are comfortable with on any operating systems. But when it comes to JavaScript based project I personally recommend the following editors as per the priority.

Development tools


Developed & maintained by author: Ashwin Hegde & Contributors

We really appreciate all kind of feedback and contributions. Thank you for using and supporting this project.

To request a feature or you find any typo errors, enhancements or questions; please feel free to send a pull-request on "develop" branch or post it on following link, or vote for the ones that are already registered.


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The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Ashwin Hegde