

<img src="icon128.png" height="25px"> Check All Scripts with URLVoid

version License: MIT

Check all scripts. With 3 clicks.

Firefox add-on / Chrome extension

Disclaimer: This is not an official URLVoid tool. Just an experimental tool that creates and opens links. Recommended to be used in combination with the add-on NoScript.

2023 Update: Version 3.0.0 uses manifest MV3, which requires at least Firefox 109.0 (January 17, 2023) or Chrome 88 (January 2021).


Firefox: about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox

Chrome: chrome://extensions

Want to create your own Firefox add-on?

Use this template repo as a starting point: https://github.com/hchiam/learning-firefox-extension

Want to create your own Chrome extension?

Use this template repo as a starting point: https://github.com/hchiam/chrome-extension-template