

Learning snowpack

Just one of the things I'm learning. https://github.com/hchiam/learning

Only build a file once, and only rebuild it if it changes, instead of rebuilding on every change and going through the dependency graph - this means build times don't increase with your project size; sounds like the future of web dev (compared to webpack, parcel, and rollup).

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<details> <summary>New notes</summary>

New notes:

From scratch: create a folder, set up package.json with "start": "snowpack dev", and create index.html. Then run these CLI commands:

npm init
yarn add --dev snowpack
yarn start

Using this repo:

cd new
yarn start

If you're using purely npm and not yarn, you can easily figure out the equivalent npm commands: https://github.com/hchiam/learning-yarn

</details> <details> <summary>Old notes</summary>

Old notes:

generator-hchiam-learning Build Status Coverage Status

You can generate a dependency graph with bash show_dep_graph.sh.

Learning Resources






Or just

npx snowpack-init my-app; cd my-app; npm run start
# (watch for any option prompts that you need to respond to)

Or use CSA

Svelte template: https://github.com/pikapkg/create-snowpack-app/tree/master/templates/app-template-svelte

npx create-snowpack-app new-dir --template @snowpack/app-template-svelte --use-yarn

(Note to self: the steps after didn't seem to work for me when I last tried.)
