Learning Parcel.js
Just one of the things I'm learning:
Parcel is a web app bundler. It's like Webpack, but with much less friction to set up your build.
You can see an example here based directly off of a quick tutorial by Maks Akymenko.
Example Setup
npm install -g parcel
# v1 parcel-bundler has been deprecated
or with yarn
yarn global add parcel
Example Usage
parcel index.html
And then open http://localhost:1234 in a browser.
The command above will auto-rerun whenever you save a file.
Tree Shaking and Minification
In other words, to automatically trim off unused code, and to shorten the code that is used, you run a different command:
parcel build index.html --experimental-scope-hoisting
This does not auto-rerun whenever you save a file, but you'll notice the smaller .js file sizes in the dist
Inline JS into HTML
Make sure to use
when you link the .js file to the .html file:<script src="./index.js" inline="inline"></script>
Install parcel-plugin-inline-source as a development dependency:
npm install parcel-plugin-inline-source --save-dev
Then this command will use parcel-plugin-inline-source:
parcel build index.html --no-source-maps --no-cache
You might want to do this too:
rm dist/*.js; rm dist/*.jpg
More options
For example: --out-dir
, --port
, --out-file
, --https
, --cache-dir
And this command to auto-open a browser tab:
parcel demo/index.html --open
Babel core-js 3 ponyfill
(To transform modern syntax into code accessible to older browsers without breaking native built-ins.)