Learning Node.js
Just one of the things I'm learning.
tutorial 1: tutorial on YouTube
Terminal/Command-Line commands and localhost:
- install node and check version of node and of npm (node package manager) that came with it
- npm lets you install dependencies and do package management
install node.js
node -v
npm -v
- install our first package with npm (the package being "express-generator", to building express apps quick and their scaffolding):
- ("-g" for global, not local install)
sudo npm install -g express-generator
- run express as a command, and give app name "exp2016"
- ("--hogan" to use "hogan" hjs for HTML-like files under "views" folder)
- ("-c" for CSS)
- ("less" to use "Less" ("less-middleware"))
express exp2016 --hogan -c less
(so far haven't actually downloaded the dependecies, but should have a JSON file with a list of dependecies in it)
start actually adding dependencies to the node modules folder
cd exp2016 && npm install
- run the app
DEBUG=exp2016:* npm start
enter this "website" into your browser (like Firefox, etc.) and you should see "Express Welcome to Express": http://localhost:3000/
This is a basic web server application! (hit refresh and you'll see more "GET"s)
Express runs as the web server itself.
click control+C to cancel/stop the server
every time make change and save, would then need to cancel and reboot app --> so use utility "nodemon" to automatically check for changes and cancel and reload app while you change and save
sudo npm install -g nodemon
- use nodemon
nodemon bin/www
- example usage of nodemon
nodemon -x 'echo "command to rerun on save";';
nodemon -e html 'echo "this will include watching html files"';
tutorial 2:
The following steps assume you're using Terminal/Command-Line.
You may need to enter this command to install node.js if you don't already have it installed:
npm install node-static
Download the "drawinggame" folder from this repo to get its contents.
Navigate to the "drawinggame" folder so that you're on the same directory level as "app.js".
Enter this command to run the app:
node app.js
Open the "index.html" file in your browser (e.g. Firefox).
To stop running node, hit Ctrl+C in Terminal/Command-Line.
tutorial 3:
read a local file via console CLI:
// TODO: file name goes here
var fileName = "fileName.js";
var fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile(fileName, "utf8", function (err, data) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
// console.log(data);
function processFileText(text) {
// TODO: custom code goes here
Random notes:
npm -g i # do outside of a repo!!!!! somehow knows it's in a repo and does weird things, or at least in older npm versions
npm cache verify # to clean up unused versions??? also do outside of a repo
Troubleshooting updating node:
# this may not work:
brew upgrade node
# so just go with the download option:
nvm install v16.13.1; node --version
nvm use v16.13.1
nvm alias default 16
I also saw some weird error and it seemed to go away when I uninstalled and re-installed yarn
To check what's globally installed with npm: (at depth 0)
npm list -g --depth=0
more JS stuff: