

Learning extra a11y stuff

Just one of the things I'm learning. https://github.com/hchiam/learning

Based off of a Zeitspace A11y Workshop

These are just select notes for my own idiosyncrasies/situation.

Ontario: AODA: company > 50:

WCAG "quick ref": https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref

My other notes: https://github.com/hchiam/web-accessibility-course-notes

To practice/research later

Example: https://github.com/hchiam/learning-extra-a11y-stuff/blob/master/src/index.html (yarn; yarn start;). Or live demo: https://hchiam-a11y-test.surge.sh/

Write down: Don't just sketch! Sketch semantic blocks! At the start!

Try out a11y-friendly drag and drop: use Dragon Drop with yarn add drag-on-drop or https://unpkg.com/drag-on-drop.

Other notes


You can generate a dependency graph with npm run deps (which runs bash show_dep_graph.sh).

You can publish a live site to surge with bash publish_live_site.sh (Just go into the relevant enclosing src or public folder of your site files - a CNAME file is there for convenience).

You can zip the current folder with npm run zip.

This file was first created using the Yeoman generator generator-hchiam-learning.